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What the world really thinks of America

What the world really thinks of America


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As an Aussie, I support our greatest allies:
Sometimes I try and interpret all the 'craziness' in the world & in one line of thought (strategy) I think its all really simple, and yes, even CHESS is involved. We humans have a gene or something that makes up want to compete or fight. Maybe its evolution at work. He with the smartest strategy, the most money, ordered society, the biggest guns wins. USA & it's allies fits this bill at the moment and they are unbeatable.....for now. And all for what gain? So we at present can enjoy the resources for a game of chess in peace!

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Originally posted by latex bishop
People were upset because you made an unfounded and illogical attack on their country. you set out to offend and inflame and got exactly what you wanted, in doing so you mase yourself look stupid which now severley weakens your attempt ...[text shortened]... eaning your mother as to do so would only demean myself.

You really don’t like people who have bad things to say about America, all I can say is I had explained that if I had the time (and wasn’t in the middle of exams I would use facts and research to back up all those "unfounded arguments), all I can say is it certainly provoked a good debate to get going so shall we stick to that rather than insults.
Well I think we now see how doing one wrong thing and then correcting yourself as well as trying to add some valid points to the now beyond gone debate still ends up with ridicule. I can draw many parallels with Palestine for this, the fact that a Palestinian suicide bomber make that countries whole resistance movement, the closest thing to an army they have, part of Bushes "Axis of Evil" (what is he going for gods approval as well as the UN now? this may seem harsh but its the same criticism we made when Sadam was going for the Arab worlds sympathy and calling the allies "Enemies of God" ).

The administrator baiting was IRONIC a joke for everyone not a dig at you (people are so dumb sometimes, I am sure it was just a Freudian slip).

I never said Lincoln committed genocide just the whole government involved in their destruction.

As for insulting my mothers honour (you said I shouldn’t believe her), I aught to challenge you to a duel but instead, I pity you that your mother could not tell you the truth as you grew up, my parents encouraged me to read national geographic. This is how I know the extent of my mothers truth, what she told me was only of a few places now I realise what she said applies all over America.

My history knowledge for the American history is as follows, I did it for two years at GCSE the for the “American West” paper I got an A* it involved the US treatment of the Indians the Indian way of life (the most civilised society in history in my view next to the Buddhists) as well as there destruction, the homesteaders and the movement of the settlers west. Overall for history I got an A not bad considering my revision was minimal as I spent most of my time visiting my mum in hospital. My current history level is A2-level (A-level in old money) if fact today was my last history exam, I intend to go to Bristol uni to do an “Archaeology Ba”.

After WW1 America readopted its splendid isolation stance as Britain was still the super power, after WW2 America became the super power every one debited to it and its industry was booming, as I tried to point out Britain relinquished its empire as imperialism was dead. Americas modern day antics seem to be trying to make the world dependent on its aid after finding itself a new Axis force to fight this time there not killing Jews but building bigger weapons, naughty only the US and “non aggressive” countries can have them. (The US actions and the BBCs program show how aggressive the US is at the moment!)

The US was in WW2 long before pearl harbour, the US was supplying Britain and Russia with Tanks Trucks and other military vehicles, it was called “lend lease” the idea being you paid for it after the war. This caused Hitler to declare war on the US; they weren’t too bothered as the GB Navy was protecting the Atlantic. The US joined the EU front, as it was part of the British bargain for helping in the Atlantic, it also allowed FDR to promote “wilsonianism” in Europe again as well as form the UN.

I agree that the US really need to see the cultures outside the US, the American dream is not for everyone not even Americans in some cases. Its funny that the films that portray the US as the bad guy are usually the wild conspiracy theories or protest films (by this I am referring for the Vietnam films, one of my friends just thinks they are cool, he misses the point they try and put across, war is bad, the US did allot of bad things there, the US was wrong to go in the first place, etc. I wish we could discuss there meaning further, someone start another thread!).

Palestine is not fretting about the land they lost 60 years ago it’s the land Israel is constantly pushing them out of and settling Israelis on, this is commonly known as Zionism, people need to see how the middle east conflict is a modern day thing not juts a dispute going back to the bible. My granddad was serving in the holey lands during the partition after WW2 he loved the place as, he is Christian, but he hated what he had to do as he was being shot at on both sides as too much or not enough land was being taken from Palestine (Question did Palestine take part in WW2? It would be good to know).

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Wow, what I thought was quite an innocent and innocuous(?) post has turned into quite a controversial thread - and spawned some other threads as well. Why can't everyone just get along?

Oh well at least it got people of the subject of tuco etc.


p.s. spiffy: if you're interested i did a BSc Archaeology, and have nearly completed an MA from Bradford Uni

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Originally posted by Super Spiffy
You really don’t like people who have bad things to say about America, all I can say is I had explained that if I had the time (and wasn’t in the middle of exams I would use facts and research to back up all those "unfounded arguments), all I can say is it certainly provoked a good debate to get going so shall we stick to tha ...[text shortened]... eing taken from Palestine (Question did Palestine take part in WW2? It would be good to know).
Yes, I do not like it when people spat a tide of baseless ranting against one country out of pure ignorance, the fact that in this case it is America is coincidental, if anything I am a Europhile rather than pro American. You have not sparked a good debate, you insulted people, then they cried foul - that is not a debate. You made a statement and people just disagreed with it, any debate that has occured has come due to mmanuel's orignal post. It's bad because its my mum said so is not a valid response.

I can assure I am not dumb.

As for your mother, I said you should not trust her without question. Many of the problems in the world occur as hatreds and resentments are passed from gerneration to generation. Take Northern Ireland, where to the terrorists come from? Mothers and fathers fueling the hate, brainwashing the kids that their predudices still exist today. My mother told me what she thought was the truth, and in her eyes it is - she believes that god exists, that only bad girls do "those" sort of things, that homosexual people are just ill in some way. Personally I do not see the world through her eyes, but if I just took her word to be true I would be just another cog in the perceptual cog of bigotory. I never insulted your mothers honour.

I am sorry to here your mother is ill.


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Originally posted by Super Spiffy
You really don’t like people who have bad things to say about America, all I can say is I had explained that if I had the time (and wasn’t in the middle of exams I would use facts and research to back up all those "unfounded arguments), all I can say is it certainly provoked a good debate to get going so shall we stick to tha ...[text shortened]... eing taken from Palestine (Question did Palestine take part in WW2? It would be good to know).
Expansion into the American west can be attributed to British expansion into the colonies (remember, Americans are Brits without the accent)

I beg to differ, the correct chronology is: Pearl Harbor, declaration of War on Japan, declaration of war against the US by the Axis.

The US presence is Vietnam was an attempt to clean up the mess that the French left behind. Were our motives pure? NO. Did we start the mess? NO.

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Originally posted by mmanuel
p.s. spiffy: if you're interested i did a BSc Archaeology, and have nearly completed an MA from Bradford Uni
Is that the Bradford/Sheffield joint Masters?
If so, my wife did that one!

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Originally posted by willatkins
Pearl Harbor, declaration of War on Japan, declaration of war against the US by the Axis.
Agreed. A rather poor move by the Nazis, in retrospect 🙂

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OK, I apologise, obviously who ever told me that fact about World War One and America was speaking shit.

I wasn't saying that Britain won the war without American help, what I meant was that America didn't join the war only to help the British as someone said. I wasn't trying to down play the actions of the Americans during World War Two because it’s obvious that the Normandy landings would never have worked without the Americans. I just meant to show that America didn't come running to Britain’s aid straight away.

And on the subject of the European wars I must admit you have a very good argument, although most of those were either internal or small conflicts. That and some of them occurred before America was even discovered let alone had won its independence. Therefore how America would have reacted can't be considered. I must admit though that I hadn't really thought about wars during the 18th and 19th centuries.
I'm going to look up some of those and work out the situation America was in during some of them and get back to you...

On the subject of gun crime they were only examples of similar things I see in the news everyday I didn't mean it as actual true life and to just have a go at my writing style and not to answer my question is just avoiding the issue. If guns were illegal (or at least controlled [more], I realise that a lot of people enjoy it as a pastime) then it would be far harder for criminals to be able to get a hold of guns.

According to the FBI website and the national crime statistics office (US) approximately 60% of homocides are committed with a gun 52% of which is with a handgun. I will admit that the majority of murders are not crimes of passion, about 5-10%. However 75% of murders are in relation to another crime.

I am curious about whether the evidence for Taliban involvement in 9/11 was actually released. If it was, could someone please tell me as I was kind of busy around that time and missed it, if it was released.


P.S. I'm just curious I'm not saying anything for or against the whole affair. As I said I'm fairly unsure how I feel about the whole Middle East thing. (Other than that Saddam did need to be sorted out as it has been proved that he has killed many hundreds of people purely because of their heritage)

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Originally posted by Varg
Is that the Bradford/Sheffield joint Masters?
If so, my wife did that one!
No it's all done entirely at Bradford, although Dr Parker Pearson from Sheffield is the exteranl examiner. I don't think they've done a joint masters for a few years... or is that revealing your wife's age?😉

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