Originally posted by TygertSome words you may have missed in the definition:
Here is your definition of conspiracy if you are that desperate.
conspiracy |kənˈspɪrəsi|
noun ( pl. conspiracies )
a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful: a conspiracy to destroy the government.
• [ mass noun ] the action of plotting or conspiring: they were cleared of conspiracy to pervert the course of ...[text shortened]... ver they want on these forums because they will never face the consequences. You'll see one day.
conspiracy |kənˈspɪrəsi|
noun ( pl. conspiracies )
a secret plan by a -->group<-- to do something unlawful or harmful: a conspiracy to destroy the government.
• [ mass noun ] the action of plotting or conspiring: -->they<-- were cleared of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.
I find that these discussions go much more quickly in person. Facial expressions and body language cannot be easily hidden and a person finds it hard to keep covering the fact that they have put their foot in their mouth.
Originally posted by TygertConclusion: An exceptionally interesting thread that brought out the best in some people
Whatever. I'm bored of you now and I've had my fun on this thread watching a grown person resort to childish tactics and insult a 14 year old about their age. You got beaten in debating style and saying children's rhymes isn't going to get me worked up if that's what you're trying to do. If you can't win, make the other person angry. That motto will get you far in life.
and, unfortunately, the worst nit picky unbecoming conversational behavior in others.
Originally posted by TygertIt occurs to me that you're some 14 child in the world that is upset by all of this and trying, bravely, to fight a battle he has already lost.
No, I can tell you do because you are no longer being rude or calling me a liar. I doubt you are capable of a complement.
My participation in this thread is over (unless you, or someone else gives me good reason to continue).
Originally posted by lemon limeThe 'theory' was that he (Tygert) realized the thread was bombing and tried to spin his way out. A theory about just one person cannot be a 'conspiracy'. (I can't believe I actually have to explain this, but...) obviously the responders weren't conspirators because they were working against Tygert.
[b]"Then, in less than hour, several critical replies flood in."[/b]
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyIf you care to look at exactly what was said to him - you will find that more often than not we were just tripping him up over his own mistakes as opposed to attacking his personality.
Of course it was appropriate to a general topics forum, even though
inappropriate off topic personality attacks muscled their way in.