Let's break this down shall we?
"Dave. This is a serious accusation"
Yes it is...and why don't you go into each and every detail I brought
up right here? Why should you hide and resign all of your games?
" But really, it would help more if you went to see a doctor."
For what reason? Do you have something to say about what I have
brought up? Or do you just want to say that I...who have seen what is
really going on am mental or something? Look Gil...a real player
would have been horrified by this accusation...you on the other hand
are deflecting the guilt upon me. Getting your hand caught in the
cookie jar kinda sucks huh?
" I will publish the results."
The results of what? You telling people what a great guy you are and
hiding the facts?
I just want to ask a simple question...how come I need to see a
doctor because I know you are cheating...and you don't when you said
I was cheating for using books.
I owe not one apology...you have made a mockery of this...kinda
funny how all of the people in different time zones piped up real quick
like that to support your falseness.
If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck...chances are it is a duck.
You bluffed in our game? You sandbagged? Or you lied?
It is all their for everyone to see...I make no false statements...truth
I will answer to the points that can be answered objectively. One at a
"Has anyone looked at the game he and I played? Yes he played me
strong...but he had NO clue about the Qd6 - h6 plan in that opening
that has been known since the 80's. It is standard knowledge...but
yet he can topple giants and overcome everyone without knowing
simple openings? I mean he accused me of cheating by using
books...but yet this is a master ranked player who did not know
books were legal in correspondance chess?? Please!! "
I didn't know the Qd6 - h6 plan, as did no GM before the 80-ies. I
have been out of chess (OTB and other) since the eighties. When we
played, I was a few months in RHP. All I had was my experience, I
didn't have many books anymore. Meanwhile we are more than half a
year further, and I have been catching up. Look at my games, you will
find other games where I made weak opening moves, but less and
You keep referring to that heated discussion about books and
programs we had in the chatroom many months ago. You seem to
have difficulty digesting challenges of any of your sacred
principles.Your problem, not mine.
"You seem to
have difficulty digesting challenges of any of your sacred
My principles?? The "rules" that were set up...you have trouble that
there is an organization that is set up..not by me...but by a governing
body of Grandmasters that oversee the "rules" that apply to these
Should I post the USCF Rules on Correspondance play again...to hear
you say "I did my homework"...or to hear you recant?? Or to show the
fact that using programs is not legal?
This is a serious accusation. Not only of me, but of a whole list of
people: Xeno (we all know about that story), Babe, Lyn, Julia, Janey,
and me.
If anybody requests, I will go into each detail of your mail. But really,
it would help more if you went to see a doctor.
I will, in each of my games, offer to my opponent to first read all this,
and then let me resign. I will publish the results.
Meanwhile, some apology is expected from you.
Read the explanation in other posts, please. I asked them (Julia,
Lyn, Janey) to post indentical reactions to mine, including my name,
to address the 'group' aspect that Dave insinuated. All other postings
are individual, and NOT coordsinated (or whatever conspiracy term
may be used).
I agree it is odd, and probably not a good idea. I apologise. But we
were caught very suddenly and are all shocked. Who wouldn't be
If you want to know who Janey is, play her (if she wants of course).
If you want to know who I am, feel free to challenge me. No programs
please. Books and databases are allowed, Ive been told.
the reply was under 4 nicks, in a very short time period. And I take
full responsibility for the confusion this has caused. It was a stupid
reaction made in a furious state of mind. I apologise to the
community for that, and in the first place to the 3 people that are
involved (but they were through Dave's allegation).
But I (gilbert) am not playing against myself. The only times that
Janey and I played rated were the first (one or two i would have to
check - so can you) and one accidentally started rated. The unrated,
private games would be of little use to a cheater.
This is a serious accusation. Not only of me, but of a whole list of
people: Xeno (we all know about that story), Babe, Lyn, Julia, Janey,
and me.
If anybody requests, I will go into each detail of your mail. But really,
it would help more if you went to see a doctor.
I will, in each of my games, offer to my opponent to first read all this,
and then let me resign. I will publish the results.
Meanwhile, some apology is expected from you.