do you consider everybody that challenges you as member of a
conspiring club? Don't forget to mention paranoia to your doctor...
I asked you several months ago for a game. (to learn from you) You
never sent me one! . I did again, recently, and you wrote me a mail
telling me that you wanted to finish a few games before you would
play me. Is that conspiracy?
You have all rights to refuse or accept challenges. But don't use that
in this sick way.
I promised to react separately on the content. Here is some more.
You read in Janey's reply the explanation for her 20+ losses. Some of
my losses and draws have the same reason. Unrated, mostly private
games with a learning objective. When the theme objective is
reached, the game is ended, with draw or resigning (is faster),
regardless of the position. Nobody else is afected by that. There is no
rule against that.
I did indeed have no intention to reach the 2000. But it is normal, I
would say, that once you get that close, it becomes a target.
How many posts did you make when you were entering the top 20 and
later on? Don't get me wrong: I believe you belong at the top.
The reality is that I don't care about being n°1 or ratings. Dig deep
enough in the forum and you will find postings on that.
No problem to accept that Paul may be the better one around. (sorry
Paul that you get involved at all in this discussion). I can name a list
of players I consider stronger than myself, and I have done that to
many others (they will remember).
But these 'strong players have not accepted the gameload that I did.
That is another reason why the rating systems sucks. It works
perfectly in an environment where all players play the same order of
magnitude of games, and most games are played in the same band
of rating. RHP is different. That explains also how Babe could become
n°1 without playing many of the top ranked players: the gameload
and the mix of players. Insinuating that she cheated is your
There are other top players around RHP that are known for their lack
of openings.
I offer to the RHP community to resign enough games to drop out of
the top20. But I will not run, because your accusation is false.
I would choose lower rated players, in order not to discredit the top-
list that would be led by you, Dave.
Any reactions from other (than you) RHP members are welcome.
I really don't know what to say. You know I consider you a dear friend
and appreciate everything about you. You have obviously put a lot of
thought into this and have stated your case without thought for
yourself. You have taken underserved abuse from others, and have
stood up for many who were abused. You have been there for me
when I needed it the most so I want to be there for you!
I have read all the posts regarding this subject, but have chosen to
post my reply under your first posting. I don't want anyone to think I
haven't looked at them all.
I'm not much of a chess player, but I do enjoy the game. Though I
do not understand as much as many regarding chess, I am not
ignorant in understanding intent and purpose. Many attempts have
been made to destroy you Dave, but thankfully none have
succeeded. Many times you have been attacked for no reason but to
try and silence your attempts to expose the truth. The truth is hard to
take and most can't deal with it, but you always have.
I'm trying to look at the whole picture of what has been happening
here at RHP over the past several months. The Forum has painted a
very clear picture of people's intents and I'm sure if we could bring in
the entire private emails and game messages everyone could see
what is going on.
I've seen your purpose in almost every posting you have placed and
will have to say it has been obvious that your desire is to simply
strengthen and build up this community at RHP. You've helped the
weak and stood for the truth. Your purpose is clear.
Unfortunately others have revealed a very destructive purpose. It
may not always be obvious to some, but in reading all the postings
regarding this issue and past issues it is sadly seen. It is an attempt
to discredit and disrupt what is good about RHP and what has made it
special since its beginning. This intent has often been hidden among
what may appear to be innocent comments, funny statements, and
false support. It has been seen openly in foul language and hateful
remarks. Though it has been repressed at times, it continues to
resurface even today.
I love this community and I love Dave. Dave is not perfect, but his
intents are pure and truthful. They are a benefit to this community at
RHP. Why, because he has proven it to be so the whole time he has
been here.
Maybe this will be my last posting because I'm sure many will turn
against me. That's not my concern, but Dave and this community are.