I cannot stand crumbs, even on a plate. I will move them into a pile or take them off the counter immediately.
All my hangers have to be facing in. 😉 I have to fold my clothes like they do in stores.
When the dishwasher is through with washing I have to open the door in order to make the "done" light go out.
I rearrange the bathroom toiletries several times a day to keep them in order.
Everything in my purse must be in the same location all the time.
I use chap stick obsessively.
When I shower I have to do everything in the same order.
Most things I do must be in the same order, in fact. OMG, it's everything.
Originally posted by SunburntShampoo, condition, face, body, shave, (well, hmmm, not EVERY day to be honest,) rinse, rinse hair. Like the long condition time myself. Also, always in order, as well as the rest of my routine.
Shampoo, wash face, condition hair, soap up (the order of this is private 😉), shave, rinse.
Understand the crumb thing Sun, in a very big way.
Originally posted by SunburntI have the same thing with my washing machine.
When the dishwasher is through with washing I have to open the door in order to make the "done" light go out.
the vegetables need to be cut properly, not willy nilly.
the mushrooms need to be sliced exactly the same thickness.
and anything spread on a bread needs to be spread all over it, not just here and there.
oh, and it really bugs me if people don't mix things evenly.
I can't stand having anything hung crooked on my wall. if it's 1mm off, I will notice it instantly, and it will bug the hell out of me until I straighten it out. (things on the table I just dump into a chaotic mess...)
Originally posted by wormwoodThat was very important to me when I was a kid. Not easy if you also need to have the butter spread as thinly as possible. The cheese turned into a jigsaw puzzle; I sometimes even filled the holes with small bits of cheese.
and anything spread on a bread needs to be spread all over it, not just here and there.
Originally posted by WAITAMINit is pretentious to call yourself a chef when your not and I'm about $10000 to $20000 a year away from that. And all ther best Chefs I haved worked under are the biggest Anal retentive ocd MF's on the planet. Maybe if your a short order cook you have no time to obsess of quality.
anyone who cooked for a living would call themselves a chef and they a, wouldn't have enough time to ass about with veggies like that and b, would get the piss taken out of them relentlessly if they tried.