Originally posted by mwmillerOh, yes, very true.
Some of the forums do have a scent, in my opinion. And it isn't pleasant! 😉
But the good news is we don't have to hang around the bad-smelling ones!
Flowery posts like in the op have a pong that'd hit the back of my throwt could I smell it I'm sure.
Originally posted by NoEarthlyReasonWell said.
The general forum is dying, along with all or most of the RHP forums, because it lacks (they lack) the critical mass of posters necessary to keep an online community going, and many that do remain are engaged in endless flame wars or simply have very little to say and limited ways of saying it. There is little reciprocity in evidence, which discourages ...[text shortened]... ome others understand humour but are incapable of understanding or respecting sensible social norms.
06 May 16
Originally posted by lemon limeShould Red Hot Pawn Terms of Service be revised?
It's the nature of the beast... or maybe a better way of saying it is too many chefs spoil the pot. I have yet to see a public forum anywhere (not just here) that hasn't descended rapidly from what was originally intended. The only realistic solution would be a very tightly and strictly enforced micromanagement policy. It needn't be draconian monitoring, ...[text shortened]... monitoring, and decide for themselves the most cost effective way of dealing with this problem.
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyIf the terms are not enforced then revising them won't accomplish anything.
Should Red Hot Pawn Terms of Service be revised?
Message board shenanigans became such a big headache for one site administrator he dropped all of the message boards...a few people were threatening to sue him for not properly monitoring the boards, so (on the advice of his attorney) he eliminated the threat of being sued by eliminating the message boards. He was confident he could prevail if he was dragged into court, but it wasn't worth the cost and aggravation and time he would have to invest if someone followed through with their threat.
I was a member there up until 10 or so years ago. I did a quick search to see if that site has since reinstated the message boards... nope, no public message boards.
07 May 16
Originally posted by lemon limeWhat law suits do you imagine might have the potential to materialize from the situation as it currently stands on this forum?
Message board shenanigans became such a big headache for one site administer he dropped all of the message boards...a few people were threatening to sue him for not properly monitoring the boards, so (on the advise of his attorney) he eliminated the threat of being sued by eliminating the message boards. He was confident he could prevail if he was dragged ...[text shortened]... and aggravation and time he would have to invest if someone followed through with their threat.