coup d'état
america is so far behind the EU
the french, the spanish, the italians, and who knows how many more forms of government have been the dartboard for revolutionaries
here in fat america, we so comfortable
we aren't even taught these words
because the idea of armed insurrection is so remote that a picnic on the dark side of the moon is far more probable
fat america is going to burn
even as we try extinguishing the flames with napalm
good thing i tan well, mexico, here i come
Systemic racism -
Meaning...The new race card that replaced the now obsolete race card "that's racist!" because it was used too much.
This new race card has the power to say everything is racist while at the same time absolving the user of the card from taking any personal responsibility for their life.
Meaning...A manipulative device used by politicians to agree and support the popular view of a particular group or groups of people in order to secure their vote. Although the philosophy or interest of this particular politician is not necessarily in tune with that particular group, he or she will appear as though he or she agrees with a particular group, particularly during the election season, in order to win his/her seat.
@cheesemaster saidNice paste.
Meaning...A manipulative device used by politicians to agree and support the popular view of a particular group or groups of people in order to secure their vote. Although the philosophy or interest of this particular politician is not necessarily in tune with that particular group, he or she will appear as though he or she agrees with a particular group, particularly during the election season, in order to win his/her seat.