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* * * Solve n' enjoy ! Tactics thread * * *

* * * Solve n' enjoy ! Tactics thread * * *

Only Chess

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Originally posted by ivan2908
Take your stopwatch and solve it !! What is your result? White mates in two. After we solve this many times, someone else can submit other problems, so we can se who is the faster and more accurate!

[fen]r2qr2k/pbpp2pp/1p5N/3Q2b1/2P1P3/P7/1PP2PPP/R4RK1 w - - 0 0[/fen]
Not quite instantly, but took me about 5 seconds.

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The second one took me ages. 😞 I really need to train tactics.

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Originally posted by ouwe belg
How can you see it in less than a second?It takes me at least 2 seconds to locate the enemy king LOL
Ha ha, me too! I never understood how people can play bullet chess.

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Originally posted by ouwe belg
How can you see it in less than a second?It takes me at least 2 seconds to locate the enemy king LOL
92 486 tactical problems done on CTS and counting...

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Originally posted by ouwe belg
How can you see it in less than a second?It takes me at least 2 seconds to locate the enemy king LOL
That's the smothered mate. Everyone should see that in less than a second. Ok, ok Two seconds is an ok time to see it. 😛

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Originally posted by wormwood
92 486 tactical problems done on CTS and counting...
Yeah I understand.But first you need to locate the pieces.I would think that part takes everyone at least a few seconds.

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Originally posted by Nordlys
Ha ha, me too! I never understood how people can play bullet chess.
I still can't blitz worth anything. it turns out I have to actually play blitz games to get better at it, the quick tactical eye alone is not enough. what a scam! 🙂

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Originally posted by ouwe belg
Yeah I understand.But first you need to locate the pieces.I would think that part takes everyone at least a few seconds.
when you do enough of problems, you see the 'ordinary' things (like the king where it usually is) at first glance. you just recognize the king, its pawns and the knight + queen right away, and know what to do. there's no calculation, just recognition. it's the exceptions which take the time. -like if the king was somewhere in the middle, surrounded by a jumble of pieces, that would take the couple of seconds to register in my mind.

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1...2-3 sec
2...2-3 sec (like the solution!)
3...2-3 sec
4...40 sec
5...15 sec.

to solve mate in 2's you don't have to look at and study the whole board, just find the king, see whats attacked, and then work out a way to attack. (which is obvoiusally the hardest part)

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I'm going to be honest here, unlike some posters (*cough*CIV*cough*). All 5 instantly for a 1400 RHP? Yeah, right.

OK, for me,
1... Less than 1 sec (I've seen it numerous times before, so I already knew it.)
2... About 20 sec.
3... About 45 sec.
4... About 1 min.
5...About 5 min. (I had tunnel vision on this one. I kept looking at a wrong line, refusing to believe that a different one would work. Like I said, I'm lousy at tactics.)

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Originally posted by wormwood
when you do enough of problems, you see the 'ordinary' things (like the king where it usually is) at first glance. you just recognize the king, its pawns and the knight + queen right away, and know what to do. there's no calculation, just recognition. it's the exceptions which take the time. -like if the king was somewhere in the middle, surrounded by a jumble of pieces, that would take the couple of seconds to register in my mind.
Guess I'm just a bit slow then.Once I've spotted the enemy king and my pieces that can attack it I saw the tactic in the blink of an eye.Just takes me a few seconds to locate the relevant pieces.

Anyway,great idea this thread 🙂

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ok here's a new one.....taken from a Corr. game of mine.


Black to move and win -- clearly blacks first move is exf2+, and white must respond with Kh1...however, I want you to calculate what happens after 1...Kxf2 [hint: mate in 12]

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Originally posted by Shinidoki
ok here's a new one.....taken from a Corr. game of mine.


Black to move and win -- clearly blacks first move is exf2+, and white must respond with Kh1...however, I want you to calculate what happens after 1...Kxf2 [hint: mate in 12]

[fen]r4rk1/p4ppp/3q1n1b/2Rp4/3P4/1P2pNPb/PB2BP1P/3QR1K1 b - - 0 1[/fen]
You killed the thread! Too difficult :-)

There is some more mates in two while waiting for someone who will solve your problem !

Beware, this problems are harder, find ALL possible mates in two, there is more solutions than one (6 solutions on first problem, then 4, 5, and 6 again) ! Mate in two are for 7 years old, who said that before?! 😛

Here you go:

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