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1. c3?!

1. c3?!

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Originally posted by cmsMaster
Over developed?? Is that posssible...?
Just wait until you have finally solved the game (almost) and then you confidently open with 1. e4!! only to find that you lose by zugswang.
All because you overlooked the subtle 1. e3.

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Originally posted by 7ate9
would a computer switch to playing openings it normally plays for white, meaning you could probably achieve the same results playing as black?
Well, that's my point. Before Fritz8 they couldn't recognise known positions with colours reversed if it was the 'wrong' player to move.

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when you can regularly defeat decent HUMAN opponents (or the non-decent me) with moves like 1. c3, I might almost consider the idea a little less retarted.

When I want to beat a computer really badly, I just set it to play at a rating of 585. This way, I can beat the computer, and not think that 1. c3 is a good idea at the same time.

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No Mine Is Best!! (😵)

1.g4 e5 2.f4!!


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How does black even get to the fourth rank on an opening move?

Wouldn't it be -

1. c3 d5?

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Originally posted by 7ate9
if Fritz8 was able to make a big advance as such, then it seems likely that it would seap in over time onto internet chess sites, causing the 'human' chess players to slowly decline. the graphs of the 'human' opponents should share a similar decline, especially if they had time to prove their ratings.
It was hardly a big advance; more a recognition by the programmers that they had omitted something.

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i huess my fourm is a hit 😀

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Originally posted by moon 111
why is that try to prove yourself right tell me whats bad about it and if im wrong then hehe ive never been good at seeing the goods and bads in certin openings
Call me pedantic, but shouldn't that be "cretin openings?"

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Originally posted by moon 111
i huess my fourm is a hit 😀
It's called a thread; and there is also an 's' missing from 'hit'. 😀

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I once played against it OTB...not too well I might add:

1.c3 d5
2.e4 dxe4
3.Qa4+ Bd7
4.Qxe4 Nc6
5.d4 Nf6
6.Qc2 e6
7.Nf3 Be7
8.Be2 0–0
9.h3 h6
10.a3 Re8
11.Bc4 Bd6

  • 8
  • a
  • 7
  • b
  • 6
  • c
  • 5
  • d
  • 4
  • e
  • 3
  • f
  • 2
  • g
  • 1
  • h

And now I think I blundered with

12. e5

When White might have played 13.Bxh6

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