Can anybody put game Game 1046315 through the fritz analyzer? I would like to see what such an analyses looks like, as i consider buying the program.
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Dr. S
I wouldn't mind a bit of help here. Game 1042490
With the sacrifice at 13.... I really thought I had an unstoppable attack. However there were complexities which he handled better than me. (Well, he is much higher rated) Did I miss something or was the whole attack flawed from the beginning?
Originally posted by buffalobillI believe you could have played 26...Rb3! threatening 27...Qf3+ 28.Kd2 Rd3+ 29.cxd Qxd3#. And seeing the way White are cramped there really isn't much White can do about it. However, I believe there were better continuations for both sides. My instincts tell me the attack starting with the sacrifice 13...Bxh2+ is correct. I will give this position more thoughts when I have more time.
I wouldn't mind a bit of help here. Game 1042490
With the sacrifice at 13.... I really thought I had an unstoppable attack. However there were complexities which he handled better than me. (Well, he is much higher rated) Did I miss something or was the whole attack flawed from the beginning?
Originally posted by buffalobill26. ...Re8!! would have been winning, I think. White's queen is pinned (27. ... Rxf2+ 28. Rxf2 Qxf2🙄 and above all there is the threat 27. ...e3, almost winning the queen.
I wouldn't mind a bit of help here. Game 1042490
With the sacrifice at 13.... I really thought I had an unstoppable attack. However there were complexities which he handled better than me. (Well, he is much higher rated) Did I miss something or was the whole attack flawed from the beginning?
And ilywrin, i dont think 26. ...Rb3? would have been a good move, because then white could play 27. Qa5+! with the mate threat away and a nice counterattack.
Originally posted by buffalobillThanks so far, Ilywrin and Schakuhr. It's clear to me now that 26....b3?? was the big mistake. At the time, I felt I had to keep the pressure on, without relenting, and break through. b3 completely took the pressure off, freed the Queen and I was screwed. The White King's now got a nice hidey-hole behind my own pawn. I can't get at him, because my own pawn's in the way - and I put him there! At 26... There's possible play for the Rook on e1 and then (maybe) a switch for the f3 Rook to the other flank. Earlier in the game I was thinking of another sacrifice, of the g4 Knight on e3, but the opportunity never presented.
I wouldn't mind a bit of help here. Game 1042490
I'll have to look at it again with new eyes. Pity I blew it...
Originally posted by buffalobillHey what about on move I beleive on move 19 Qf3+ then 20 d4 would have been playable. What do you think about that?
Thanks so far, Ilywrin and Schakuhr. It's clear to me now that 26....b3?? was the big mistake. At the time, I felt I had to keep the pressure on, without relenting, and break through. e3 completely took the pressure off, freed the Queen and I was screwed. The White King's now got a nice hidey-hole behind my own pawn. I can't get at him, because my ow ...[text shortened]... opportunity never presented.
I'll have to look at it again with new eyes. Pity I blew it...
..... Qf3+
Ke1 d4
He then has to think about his knight being attacked and opening up his king if
Nxe4 then Pxe3
Pxe3 Qxe3+
Qe2 and after that you should be able to win a piece after moveing queen then moveing rook to e file
Originally posted by schakuhrYup, 26... Re8 was winning. 27 White plays whatever and then ... Pe3 cleans up. So simple, really, and now I feel stupid.
26. ...Re8!! would have been winning, I think. White's queen is pinned (27. ... Rxf2+ 28. Rxf2 Qxf2🙄 and above all there is the threat 27. ...e3, almost winning the queen.