Originally posted by Treasure
I thought about joining a clan, but then I'm not that good yet, so I didn't want to join and then make everyone mad. 😳
The way the clans work is there are members with every rating. So there are the 800 crowd, the 1000 crowd, the 1200 bunch, etc. So when you make clan challanges, you have specimens of each rating and you match rating for rating in challanges. So I get the 1600 to 1700 crowd in my games in the two clans I belong to, the guitar alliance (strangely enough, for active guitar players!) and the Big Cats Clan. So there is room usually for all ratings. They try to get about 2 or so in each rating group. So don't let your rating stop you from joining a clan if you want to. See if there is a clan that has like minded people like my guitar one. Maybe you like rock and roll and there are clans for that like Metallica, etc. Welcome to RHP! Don. AKA Sonhouse