Originally posted by shorbockI've been playing the Scandinavian Defense for over twenty years now, and I also think it is an adequate defense to 1 e4. If your goal is just to survive the opening, then it is an excellent choice.
I disagree !
this miracle opening for black to avoid too much theory and have a good game does exist ! Often leading to the same kind of play and pawn strucure as the caro-kann, but much more forcing : 1...d5 the scandinavian...
As a footnote, I would like to mention that the only time that I ever drew a master in a tournament game with a slow time control was when I was on the black side of the Scandinavian. (Full disclosure: The game was adjourned in an endgame in which I was slightly worse, but a master friend of mine showed me how to draw the game.)
Originally posted by irontigran ABout Caor-Kann by Jovanka HouskaI will third this book. Caro-Kann by Houska is great, and I'm loving the advice against the advance variation 3...c5 is a great choice and causes white to think for a minute. There is no "safe" way to meet it and you don't prematurely commit your Bishop. I have been getting great positions with the Caro, Unfortunatly my middlegame needs work and I seem to blow clear advantages. (A fault of my own, not the opening). The Caro also seems effective at the club level because most white players want to attack quickly; the Caro punishes them for it.
agreed, this is the one i have and enjoy 🙂