Originally posted by andrew93That is basically a sveshnikov through a rauzer move order. The sacrifice is known and fxe4 was a mistake by him.
My refutation of the Sicilian defence. Although I'm guessing this isn't original and already has a name...?
[pgn]1. e4 c5 2. Ng1f3 Nb8c6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nf3xd4 d6 5. Nb1c3 Ng8f6 6. Bc1g5 e5 7. Nd4b5 {Looking for some action on c7 - the Queen must be dislodged first or else the black King-side pawn structure will be ruined after BxKn.} a6 8. Bg5xf6 gxf6 9. ...[text shortened]... b5c7 Ke8d7 15. Qd1g4 {Black resigns. The only option is f7f5 followed by Qg4xf5++.} 1-0[/pgn]
Originally posted by dogfish447. Nxf7 wins a pawn due to your unprotected bishop 😉
[Event "Open invite"]
[Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2010.10.08"]
[EndDate "2010.10.09"]
[Round "?"]
[White "drumlizardo"]
[Black "dogfish44"]
[WhiteRating "961"]
[BlackRating "954"]
[WhiteELO "961"]
[BlackELO "954"]
[Result "0-1"]
[GameId "7826318"]
1. e4 {Suprise} e5 {BIG Suprise} 2. Ng1f3 Nb8c6 3. c4 Bf8b4 4. a3 Bb4a5 5. ...[text shortened]... ion on c2} Nd4c2 {Mate (Plus a pinned Rook AND Queen ^_^} 0-1
Here he could have just won the Bishop by floating Noah's Ark.
Instead of playing 5.g3? how about 5.b4 Bb6 6.c5
Good finish though, spotting his King was short of flight squares
so one sound check, any sound check, would mate him.
So you delected the Queen from covering c2.
Game 4042547 and Game 5052143
Typical, I have 1 game for this this morning, then I get another one by the evening.
Thanks for that first analysis GP - And thanks for showing me Noah's Ark. I've used that before OTB.
If you guys could rip this to shreds I'd be grateful.
EDIT: Just to make sure, I played white and won. So if you could tear up both sides ^_^.