Originally posted by andrew93
Thanks. That was a better checkmate you suggested and it didn't rely on his error. Nice. Sometimes it is easy to miss the obvious (like pins & forks). Not making mistakes is so important, but so hard to put in practice!
I totally agree.
Btw, I was wrong about checkmate at Qh1. (it's just check)
Bishop is forced to block at f1, but then you would follow-up with Qxf1#
The more you look through your games... you'll notice little differences that you could have made to end it sooner, avoid mate, or possibly draw, etc.
I do this in my games alot. I try to learn from not only my losses, but also my victories.
OTB and timed games are especially difficult to do this and put it into practice.
Anyways, thanks for commenting and not feeling like I was knit picking....because that wasn't my intent.... above all... Have fun and see you at the boards!
Game ID Game 7411474 Mate in 19 ... Game #1
Would someone be so kinda as to analyze and anotate this please. Gave him an out on move 17... I call this game the 'Greedy Game'.
The wrap up of a game played yesterday on a huge '1 metre King' set
at the Edinburgh Museum v an Indian tourist who was staying on the
board beating people. (slowly).
I'm Black and moved pretty much instantly.
I got a wee applause and disapeared back into the crowd.
A 3 piece mate, Rook and Knight mating patterns.
A nice follow on to previous advice about Knights.
Have to show it with White going first because the site boffins cannot
work out how to make Black first in a PGN moving thingy.