Originally posted by Black Star UchessThos wasn't under 20 moves, was it? I.e. not a iniature...
am just out here ... but a nice little halloween attack miniature
[Event "uChess rated"] [Site "www.uchess.com"] [Date "2009.10.3"] [Round "?"] [White "Black Star (1224) "] [Black "witchangel (1290)"] [Result "1-0"]
[pgn][Event "uChess rated"] [Site "www.uchess.com"] [Date "2009.10.3"] [Round "?"] [White "Black Star"] [Black "witchangel"] [R ...[text shortened]... 4-b3 Qb6xb3 21. a2xb3 Re8xe1 22. Rh1xe1 Bc8-f5 23. Qg5-h6 1-0[/pgn]
Originally posted by SwissGambit13. Qh8+ is gold 😵
He doesn't have a better alternative. 11...Kg8 12.Qh5 Re8 [what else??] 13.Qh8+ Ng8 14.Nh7#
He should have refused to take the Bishop on move 10.
Your line seems best to me as well, Black has no defense there but saccing a few pieces?
Originally posted by SwissGambitI think it's a better idea to play it like this:Originally posted by Ohforf
Black's move 11 was insanely bad.
It looks like Black was lost in any case, but I'm having difficulty finding the best line. Here's what I have so far [after 11...Kg8].
[FEN "r2q1rk1/pbppnpp1/1pn1p3/4P1N1/3P4/8/PPPN1PPP/R2Q1RK1 w - - 0 1"]
1. Qh5 Re8 2. Qxf7+ Kh8 3. Qh5+ Kg8 4. Nde4
I can't find a good way to deal with the threat of 5.Nf6+.
In your line I can't find anything better for white.
Originally posted by clandarkfireHow do you continue after 4...N7g6?
I think it's a better idea to play it like this:
[pgn][FEN "r2q1rk1/pbppnpp1/1pn1p3/4P1N1/3P4/8/PPPN1PPP/R2Q1RK1 w - - 0 1"]
1. Qh5 Re8 2. Qxf7+ Kh8 3. Nde4 Nxe5 4. Nf6 Ng8 5. Qh5+ Nh6 6. dxe5 Re7 7. Qg6 gxf6 8. Qxh6 Kg8 9. exf6 Qf8 10. Qg6+ Kh8 11. fxe7 Qxe7 12. Nf7+ Qxf7 [/pgn]
In your line I can't find anything better for white.
Just finished a slow (although short) game against my brother, in which he thought attempting a scholar's mate would be anything but a terrible idea. Throwing me the development advantage and making a few terrible mistakes gave me a comfortable win.
Game 6717079
In his defence, though, he does claim to be better over the board and did beat me in such a game a couple of weeks ago... though that was only due to me slipping up and throwing away a pretty controlling position.
I have a few games where I mated in less than 20, but with one game to go to get out of provisional status, my rating is gonna probably be around 1200 so my opponents are beginner to intermediate like myself:
18 moves Game 6835016
13 moves Game 6419084
15 moves Game 6342128