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Chessmaster vs Fritz

Chessmaster vs Fritz

Only Chess


09 Jan 07
11 Feb 07
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Chessmaster is good, but fritz rules. Shredder too. Chessmaster is a second best program if you're looking for pure strength. Don't get me wrong, Chessmaster10 beat Larry Christiansen in a six game match, so it's no slouch, but fritz/Shredder are better.


Edmonton, Alberta

25 Nov 04
11 Feb 07
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Originally posted by LennyBruce
Chessmaster is good, but fritz rules. Shredder too. Chessmaster is a second best program if you're looking for pure strength. Don't get me wrong, Chessmaster10 beat Larry Christiansen in a six game match, so it's no slouch, but fritz/Shredder are better.
That was Chessmaster9000 which beat Larry C. I seen the games and I think Larry C would beat it in a rematch.

If i'm not mistaken it was a 4 game match with 2.5-1.5 score.

The games are presented as CM10000 lectures.

I do not recall CM10000 playing Larry C.


07 Feb 07
11 Feb 07
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Originally posted by RahimK
That was Chessmaster9000 which beat Larry C. I seen the games and I think Larry C would beat it in a rematch.

If i'm not mistaken it was a 4 game match with 2.5-1.5 score.

The games are presented as CM10000 lectures.

I do not recall CM10000 playing Larry C.

Right, Mr. Rahim, it was 4 games against chessmaster 9000. Still, it proves the point, Chessmaster is a good program.


12 Jun 05
12 Feb 07
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One of a few good rating lists:


"The King" is the Chessmaster engine.

And another:


Here it's down as "CM10 Default".


Edmonton, Alberta

25 Nov 04
12 Feb 07
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Originally posted by Sam The Sham

Right, Mr. Rahim, it was 4 games against chessmaster 9000. Still, it proves the point, Chessmaster is a good program.
Yes, it's a strong program. I really like the Josh lectures.

But, it is not comparable to Fritz or Chessbase products in strength.

Chessmaster is more like a game while Chessbase stuff is just for the chess and not the looks. Doesn't require a great computer, video card etc...

Edit: Larry C should have got a rematch. He should have beat it, did you see those games. CM got lucky.


River City

08 Dec 04
12 Feb 07
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Originally posted by UndeadNightOrc
If two programs were running on the same comp, Fritz would be using some of the processing cycles that CM would need during it's pondering mode, thus weakening it slightly. Of course, I'm not saying CM has even a remote chance of beating Fritz with or without full pondering power. Just that for CM to play at it's best it would need to be on its own computer, I would imagine..
It's the other way around. Chessmaster always attempts to use 100% of the CPU. The tests reported several places matching Fritz vs. Chessmaster have been skewed to make Chesmaster appear stronger than it is for this very reason. I suspect that Fritz 7 is slightly stronger than Chessmaster X. Fritz 8-10 more significantly so.

Fritz has the option to set ponder off (I think that is the default). I less certain that you have this choice with Chessmaster. Then, there is the software/interface compatibility issue. Neither program runs in the other's GUI. You need either enter the moves by hand, or play them against each other through a web interface (and Chessmaster is harder to connect to these).

Bruce Willis

06 Nov 06
12 Feb 07
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ChessMaster 10 vs Fritz 10 on the same computer (dualcore 2.5Ghz, Ram 2Go)

[Event "ChessMaster vs Fritz"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2007.02.12"]
[Round "?"]
[White "ChessMaster 10"]
[Black "Fritz 10"]
[Result "0-1"]
[PlyCount "230"]
[EventDate "2007.02.12"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. O-O b5 6. Bb3 Bc5 7. c3 d6 8. a4
Bg4 9. d3 O-O 10. h3 Bh5 11. g4 Bg6 12. g5 Nh5 13. d4 exd4 14. cxd4 Bb6 15. Bd5
Qd7 16. Nh4 Nxd4 17. Nxg6 hxg6 18. Bxa8 Rxa8 19. Kg2 Qe7 20. Qg4 b4 21. Nd2 Re8
22. Nc4 Nc2 23. Rb1 Bd4 24. Ne3 b3 25. Nd5 Qxe4+ 26. Qxe4 Rxe4 27. Nxc7 Ne1+
28. Kh1 Nf3 29. Kg2 Nh4+ 30. Kh2 Re2 31. Nd5 Bxf2 32. Nf4 Nxf4 33. Bxf4 Bd4+
34. Kh1 d5 35. Rfe1 Re6 36. Rbd1 Bxb2 37. Rxe6 fxe6 38. Rb1 Bd4 39. Rxb3 e5 40.
Bh2 e4 41. Rb8+ Kf7 42. Rd8 e3 43. Bg3 Nf5 44. Be1 Ke6 45. Ra8 Bc5 46. Rxa6+
Ke5 47. Kg2 d4 48. Ra5 Kd6 49. Rb5 Kc6 50. Bb4 Bxb4 51. Rxb4 d3 52. Rb1 Kc5 53.
a5 Nh4+ 54. Kf1 Nf3 55. Kg2 Nd2 56. Re1 e2 57. a6 Nc4 58. a7 d2 59. Kf2 Nb6 60.
Kxe2 dxe1=R+ 61. Kxe1 Kc6 62. Ke2 Kb7 63. Kd3 Kxa7 64. Kd4 Kb7 65. Ke5 Kc6 66.
Ke6 Nd5 67. Ke5 Nc7 68. h4 Kc5 69. Ke4 Kd6 70. Kd4 Nd5 71. Ke4 Ke6 72. Kd4 Nf4
73. Ke4 Ng2 74. Kf3 Nxh4+ 75. Kf4 Kd5 76. Kg4 Nf5 77. Kf4 Kd4 78. Kf3 Ne3 79.
Kf4 Nc4 80. Kf3 Ke5 81. Kg4 Ke4 82. Kg3 Ke3 83. Kg4 Ne5+ 84. Kg3 Nd3 85. Kg4
Kf2 86. Kh3 Nf4+ 87. Kg4 Ke3 88. Kg3 Nh5+ 89. Kg2 Ke2 90. Kh3 Kf3 91. Kh4 Ke3
92. Kg4 Kf2 93. Kh3 Kg1 94. Kh4 Kh2 95. Kg4 Kg2 96. Kh4 Ng3 97. Kg4 Ne2 98. Kh4
Nd4 99. Kg4 Ne6 100. Kh4 Kf3 101. Kh3 Nxg5+ 102. Kh4 Nh3 103. Kxh3 g5 104. Kh2
g4 105. Kg1 g3 106. Kf1 g2+ 107. Ke1 g1=Q+ 108. Kd2 Qe3+ 109. Kc2 g5 110. Kb2
g4 111. Kc2 g3 112. Kb2 g2 113. Kc2 g1=Q 114. Kb2 Qg2+ 115. Ka1 Qe1# 0-1


River City

08 Dec 04
12 Feb 07
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Originally posted by Bruce Willis
ChessMaster 10 vs Fritz 10 on the same computer (dualcore 2.5Ghz, Ram 2Go)

[Event "ChessMaster vs Fritz"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2007.02.12"]
[Round "?"]
[White "ChessMaster 10"]
[Black "Fritz 10"]
[Result "0-1"]
[PlyCount "230"]
[EventDate "2007.02.12"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 Nf6 5. O-O b5 6. Bb3 Bc5 7. c3 d6 8. a4
Bg4 9. d3 O-O ...[text shortened]... Kb2
g4 111. Kc2 g3 112. Kb2 g2 113. Kc2 g1=Q 114. Kb2 Qg2+ 115. Ka1 Qe1# 0-1
What was the time control? How did you set up the match?

Bruce Willis

06 Nov 06
12 Feb 07
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5 mn blitz
And I had to make all the moves in the 2 softwares...


River City

08 Dec 04
12 Feb 07
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Originally posted by Bruce Willis
5 mn blitz
And I had to make all the moves in the 2 softwares...
230 moves in 10 minutes is pretty frantic!

Bruce Willis

06 Nov 06
12 Feb 07
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I've added 3 more minutes to each side to complete the game.


06 Feb 06
13 Feb 07
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Originally posted by amolv06
If anyone has Fritz, I'd like to pit my Chessmaster 10th edition up against him (in an unrated game, of course), and see what the results are. (If this is against the rules please let me know...I don't want to break any rules.)
It is pointless, almost funny of you to compare them. For all of us on this site, even the 2400 ones, those programs are uncomparable stronger then we are. So knowing that fritz is stronger don't help the fact that even CMX is far more advanced chess "player" than probably any of us will ever be. That makes him a decent sparing partner, don't you think ?! 🙂

For Kasparov, Fritz is tougher opponent. For me and all of you, is quite the same.


River City

08 Dec 04
13 Feb 07
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Originally posted by ivan2908
It is pointless, almost funny of you to compare them. For all of us on this site, even the 2400 ones, those programs are uncomparable stronger then we are. So knowing that fritz is stronger don't help the fact that even CMX is far more advanced chess "player" than probably any of us will ever be. That makes him a decent sparing partner, don't you think ?! 🙂

For Kasparov, Fritz is tougher opponent. For me and all of you, is quite the same.
I disagree. It's not only the raw strength of the program that matters, but how you can use this strength in sparring, analysis, and instruction. Fritz whips Chessmaster because the softeware is better in every aspect except lessons for beginners, not because the engine is stronger (although it is).

Fritz is better for analysis and sparring, too. Chessmaster does not put up the most stubborn defense when it it losing, and it has poor tablebase integration. For endgame practice and analysis, Chessmaster is no match for Fritz.


Edmonton, Alberta

25 Nov 04
13 Feb 07
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Originally posted by Wulebgr
I disagree. It's not only the raw strength of the program that matters, but how you can use this strength in sparring, analysis, and instruction. Fritz whips Chessmaster because the softeware is better in every aspect except lessons for beginners, not because the engine is stronger (although it is).

Fritz is better for analysis and sparring, too. Chessmas ...[text shortened]... or tablebase integration. For endgame practice and analysis, Chessmaster is no match for Fritz.
And Let's not forget about those sweet comments fritz give you,

Gets the bull of the ice.

Hoping against hope.


13 Apr 06
13 Feb 07
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You cannot compare apples with oranges. Having said that ChessMaster 10 can only be compared in strength to Fritz 1 or Fritz 2 any version of Fritz i.e. 8 9 or 10 will simply be genocide versus ChessMaster.

Get over ChessMaster, its like getting over Win95 or loss of Fischer from Chess .... something else comes along.

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