Originally posted by thaughbaerThere are not hundreds of thousands of years for evolution to take place
Evolution happens over hundreds of thousands of years. Not by deciding to use the "analyze board" feature. Perhaps you should use the "analyse post" feature which allows you to see the next responses to your post and would prevent your foot from entering your mouth so often.
for "the Word of Truth" tells me so.
Originally posted by RJHindsThe Christians and don't like what you have to say there either because you sound just as ridiculous as you do in this forum. But people on this site would be grateful if you kept your moronic posts there instead of the chess forum. This is a chess site. The forums are a side show. When you get into the main chess forum and talk of things you know little about, you do a disservice to yourself and the rest of the site.
Sorry, but it is a part of my life now. I guess I better just post on the
spirituality forum from now on, but even there the atheists don't like
what I have to say.
Originally posted by usmc7257Boy oh boy,
The Christians and don't like what you have to say there either because you sound just as ridiculous as you do in this forum. But people on this site would be grateful if you kept your moronic posts there instead of the chess forum. This is a chess site. The forums are a side show. When you get into the main chess forum and talk of things you know little about, you do a disservice to yourself and the rest of the site.
That is bad news Mr. RJ. When the Christians hate you, then you're really in
for it. It sounds to me like just about everyone hates RJ. However there are still
people who love you RJ!
(not me)
No, no, you still have the Buddhists Mr. RJ. All you need is to convert. Besides, if
you do convert you might improve your chess by say - another 500 ratings points.
Oh! And it wouldn't have to be artificial!
Buddhist Grandmaster Dibyendu Barua is an amazing player. Maybe he would show
you a thing or two. He's india's second grandmaster (behind Anand of course). Here
Mr. RJ this can be a learning experience. Watch Barua put away the great V. Korchnoi.
This is one of the most magnificent endings ever played. (No motorboxes in sight)
Mr. Dibyenduh was in deep thought in the above position and here Mr. Dibyenduh
shows his knowledge of knight endings.
You have to know a little something about Knights and rook pawns to proceed here.
Mr. Dibyenduh knows that if he gets that h pawn to h7 the knight will only have one
square to defend the promotion (unmoved f pawns and c pawns in Knight RP endings)
So he takes a look at that square. That square is g6, which is attackable from e5.
This so happens to be a square he can attack and control. This will mean that the
promotion threat will be creating a defender -- remove a defender with Nxe5!
But thats not the end of the story. A knight cannot defend pawns with separate
colored promotion squares! At least not alone it can't! The e pawn and h pawn are
examples of this principle. This means if he can remove that ugly f pawn, and get his
h pawn to h7... then he's set! He quickly must analyze the possibility of this ending
coming to fruition. He has the b8 knight dominated. Check. He can force the
queen exchange due to the kings attack on the knight. Check. The knight has no
future on g2 - because Nxe5 and Bxb3 becomes problematic for Korchnoi. Check.
Korchnoi will be just about forced to play Nc2 threatening the fork (Nd4 if Bxb3).
Now Mr. Dibyenduh knows the basics (and some of the more difficult dynamics as
well). A few minutes of calculation and its all
together. The finish you were waiting for!
Mr. RJ, he may not have your natural (?) matchup abilities... but I'd eat my hat if he
couldn't show you a thing or two!
Originally posted by PhySiQThere are many people that can show me a thing or two. I do not
Boy oh boy,
That is [b]bad news Mr. RJ. When the Christians hate you, then you're really in
for it. It sounds to me like just about everyone hates RJ. However there are still
people who love you RJ!
(not me)
No, no, you still have the Buddhists Mr. RJ. All you need is to convert. Besides, if
you do convert you might improve your ...[text shortened]... I'd eat my hat if he
couldn't show you a thing or two!
dispute that at all.
Love the Korchnoi game. What a lovely ending.!
Fisher & Spasky started me out on chess but I only took it up seriously when Karpov was playing Korchnoi. I always support the underdog so I was always rooting for Korchnoi.
I've got a clock which has been signed by Korchnoi and Bologan. I bought the one they used in a 4NCL match and asked them to sign it at the end of the game. I've even got both players scoresheets from the game as I asked the organisers if I could have then. They are now framed and up on the wall. No wonder people think that I'm a geek..!!! ;-)
I tell non chess players that it's a piece of modern art
Originally posted by kingshillMaybe I should read my posts CLOCK not COCK
Love the Korchnoi game. What a lovely ending.!
Fisher & Spasky started me out on chess but I only took it up seriously when Karpov was playing Korchnoi. I always support the underdog so I was always rooting for Korchnoi.
I've got a cock which has been signed by Korchnoi and Bologan. I bought the one they used in a 4NCL match and asked them to s ...[text shortened]... think that I'm a geek..!!! ;-)
I tell non chess players that it's a piece of modern art
Originally posted by RJHindsWhat you said was you play better when there is money on the line. This is a sandbagging confession. If you did this in a pool hall they would call you a hustler and break your legs.
I was not confessing to sandbagging. I just meant I don't always play
hard. It depends on my mood and sometimes I see good moves and
sometimes I don't just like every one else except for Magnus Carlsen.
Originally posted by thaughbaerpoor RJH, out of the frying pan of spirituality and into the fire of chess only. Would they
What you said was you play better when there is money on the line. This is a sandbagging confession. If you did this in a pool hall they would call you a hustler and break your legs.
not be better breaking his thumbs if he was a pool hustler? But I suppose you cannot
play pool in a wheel chair.
Originally posted by RJHindsYou need a good lawyer RJH, ill defend you, but it will cost heavy dollars! I agree
Sorry, but it is a part of my life now. I guess I better just post on the
spirituality forum from now on, but even there the atheists don't like
what I have to say.
though, spirituality is over run with non spirituality and the materialists have taken
"I tell non chess players that it's a piece of modern art"
It is a piece of modern art. (the non-chess players are geeks.) 😉
I too wanted Korchnoi to win the '78 match. Him being the defector and all that.
Though I have never been able to come to grips with some of his games.
"What is he up too?" I've often said to myself as I sit there and stare at an
unannotated move in a game, "What is he up too."
I don't think there is a writer who has caught him either. (hence the the blank note)
If you don't know what to say, say nothing.