And what about this one Game 2134129??
I believe if, it were black to move, forced mate in two? yes?
Originally posted by Knight SquareNo. If Bd4+, white blocks with a piece on e3 (and not Kh1?? Rf1 checkmate).
And what about this one Game 2134129??
I believe if, it were black to move, forced mate in two? yes?
That put aside, why did you agree on a draw with three pieces up and no attack whatsoever forwhite?
Originally posted by Knight Squareblack just dropped his knight to Qxf2.
Who had the better game in this oneGame 2145588?
Originally posted by Mephisto2I did so because he wanted a draw because at the time he was goning to go in vaccation, so I was nice and we agreed on a draw. But looking on it now ant i can't believe I did that.
No. If Bd4+, white blocks with a piece on e3 (and not Kh1?? Rf1 checkmate).
That put aside, why did you agree on a draw with three pieces up and no attack whatsoever forwhite?
Could black bring back this game? Game 2192616
Man I am just trying to keep this thread alive.
Originally posted by Knight SquareI'm asking is this a well win for me??
Could black bring back this game? Game 2192616
Man I am just trying to keep this thread alive.
Originally posted by lausey10 Nh4 isnt a very good move. Generally speaking, don't move your pieces off to the side, especially not knights, as they rely on their range rather than their attacking distance.
Game 2192615
Furthermore, 10 Nh4 allows black to outpost his knight, effectively attacking your territory with 10...Nd4, as you cannot drive the black knight away with pawns or pieces without losing initiative.