Originally posted by wormwoodYeah, I had piece for pawn, but his connected passed pawns and my lack of ability to development caught up.
I followed a couple of your games, in the second one you had some chances being a piece up, but then jusuh just grinded you down. you got whipped. 🙂 (not that I would've survived any better... I'm laughable at blitz...)
Edit, I was wondering who that was that was following from Finland. 🙂
Here's the game:
[Event "Friendly Game, 5m + 0s"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2007.02.06"]
[Round "?"]
[White "CMSMaster"]
[Black "Guest446877"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B09"]
[PlyCount "52"]
[EventDate "2007.02.06"]
[TimeControl "300"]
1. e4 {2} d6 {2} 2. d4 {1} Nf6 {1} 3. Nc3 {2} g6 {1} 4. f4 {2} Bg7 {1} 5. Nf3 {
1} O-O {1} 6. Bd3 {4} e5 {4} 7. fxe5 {2} dxe5 {1} 8. d5 {1} c6 {2} 9. dxc6 {3}
Nxc6 {1} 10. Bb5 {5} Nxe4 {26} 11. Qxd8 {10} Rxd8 {11} 12. Nxe4 {1} f5 {1} 13.
Nc3 {3} e4 {2} 14. Bxc6 {5} bxc6 {CMSMaster reconnected. 4} 15. Ng5 {2} h6 {11}
16. Nh3 {3} Ba6 {9} 17. Nf4 {3} Kf7 {7} 18. Nce2 {13} Rab8 {13} 19. c3 {7} g5 {
5} 20. Nh5 {8} Be5 {16} 21. Nhg3 {8} Ke6 {19} 22. Rb1 {12} Bd3 {3} 23. Ra1 {4}
f4 {1} 24. Nf1 {7} Bc2 {19} 25. Nd2 {15} e3 {8} 26. Nb3 {5} Rd1# {
(Lag: Av=0.51s, max=1.4s) 3} 0-1