Originally posted by tomtom232I'm not sure that anybody in the show loves Raymond. Certainly his brother (the one with the Bowser-like bass voice) doesn't. Nor does his father (or father-in-law -- played by the fellow who starred as the monster in Young Frankenstein, Peter Boyle). His wife doesn't seem too keen on him either, for that matter.
the title means that IN THE SHOW everbody loves raymond 🙂 not everyone loves the show and WOOT! WOOT! is like saying yipee or woo hoo.
Incidentally, I had a bit of a crush on one of the two actresses who played his wife. Don't know the actress' name. I rather fancy it was the more petite of the two. I can't seem to find any record of her now on Google. It wasn't Patricia Heaton.
It may sound as if I actually watched this program, but I didn't. The only thing worse, in my opinion, on American television in recent years is Home Improvement with Tim Allen (the scoundrelly cocaine dealer cum bourgeois Everyman). Almost makes one long for Stalinism. Which is worse: big pictures of Stalin everywhere, or The Santa Clause movies? A real poser...
As for "WOOT! WOOT!" I don't know which planet you come from but I'm sure that Doctor Zaius would approve.
Originally posted by azizStop trawlling through the forums advertising your web site which, incidently, populates really slow and has hardly any members, none of consequence.
my best chess site is www.chesscube.com
to me it has so far the best web-based interface which makes it so much easier to play.
i enjoy playing there. and the site populates real fast so for me i would rate it number 1
Originally posted by Dragon Firea good but buggy(for real time chess... unless you have FF instead IE) is chesshere.com
Stop trawlling through the forums advertising your web site which, incidently, populates really slow and has hardly any members, none of consequence.
p.s. Not as good as this site though 😀
Originally posted by Mark AdkinsInternet translation applications have clearly improved in recent times, but to be pedantic "ich liebe Raymond nicht" is a more natural way of saying it in German, unless you're about to tell us who you really love!
Perhaps this warrants some explanation for our foreign friends.
Here in America audiences, especially males in the audience, have developed an inexplicably crude and ape-like manner of expressing their approval: instead of clapping or cheering in the traditional fashion, they pump their fists in the air and shout "WOOT! WOOT! WOOT!" again and again. ...[text shortened]... by my normal writing voice.
My apologies for any confusion this might have entailed.
Originally posted by Northern LadIf you say so, old chap -- I really wouldn't know.
Internet translation applications have clearly improved in recent times, but to be pedantic "ich liebe Raymond nicht" is a more natural way of saying it in German, unless you're about to tell us who you really love!
P.S. My only name is the Scroobious Pip.