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Is this a draw?

Is this a draw?

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Originally posted by skeeter
You're not listening - you can't drive the Rook off the eighth with the King on that side of the Rook and the Bishop is not correct.

I guess I'm stuck with PaulLeggett then - if

Black can just play ...Rc8 and ...Rg8 ad infinitum

Edit: and Rd8+, etc.

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Originally posted by skeeter
No. I've already given you the tactics - K & R to the seventh and with the correct placement of the Bishop, you can force the black King off the 8th, and effect the promotion. It is there but you have to work it through yourself. No pain - no gain.

I'm sorry, but I can't prove a negative, and I do not think it is forced.

If the white rook is on the 7th, the white king can't capture the black rook on c8, d8 or e8 without it being an immediate stalemate. I think I could draw this, in the absence of proof to the contrary. And I would have no problem being corrected, as I would learn from it!

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Originally posted by SwissGambit
I guess I'm stuck with PaulLeggett then - if
[fen]k1r5/P2K1R2/8/8/3B4/8/8/8 b - - 0 1[/fen]
Black can just play ...Rc8 and ...Rg8 ad infinitum
Even d8 and e8 are safe, as long as that white rook is on the 7th...

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Originally posted by Paul Leggett
Even d8 and e8 are safe, as long as that white rook is on the 7th...
Ok, but even if the Rook was not on the 7th, Black still has two safe squares for the Rook.

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Originally posted by Paul Leggett
I'm sorry, but I can't prove a negative, and I do not think it is forced.

If the white rook is on the 7th, the white king can't capture the black rook on c8, d8 or e8 without it being an immediate stalemate. I think I could draw this, in the absence of proof to the contrary. And I would have no problem being corrected, as I would learn from it!

Set the position up here and see for yourself. The winning method involves white pitching his pawn for a won K+R+B v. K+R position.

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Originally posted by SwissGambit

Set the position up here and see for yourself. The winning method involves white pitching his pawn for a won K+R+B v. K+R position.
Thanks-another lesson learned!

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Originally posted by SwissGambit
Ahh yes, I missed the desperado.
Magic position number 1, getting the king up there.

If black takes the pawn, its over like so...

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Magic position number 2

If black takes the pawn its mate with Ra5

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This is my new stuck point.

!edit! if the king takes the pawn, kc6 seems good, but the king can escape by going to a6??

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Originally posted by Exuma
[fen]k5r1/P7/1B6/4R3/4K3/8/8/8 w - - 0 67[/fen]

I can't see a way to make progress for white, and its the wrong bishop, and its a rook pawn. Is there something I'm clearly missing?
According to shredder end game database (http://www.shredderchess.com/online-chess/online-databases/endgame-database.html) it's a win but you have to give up the pawn. I'll be honest with you, it's seriously technical!

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Originally posted by Marinkatomb
According to shredder end game database (http://www.shredderchess.com/online-chess/online-databases/endgame-database.html) it's a win but you have to give up the pawn. I'll be honest with you, it's seriously technical!
I hear you! The hardest part is not understanding when and why I need a "waiting" move, or one of the rooks just moves up or down a file. Where does the bishop need to be in order to block a check? I need a better understanding of the ideas, in order to make the plan. I'm still trying to figure a way to get to Skeeter's original tactical position without stalemating or allowing the desperado checks (I like that term SG!)

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Just as I thought, a draw. 😛

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