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Is this a draw?

Is this a draw?

Only Chess

Paul Leggett
Chess Librarian

The Stacks

21 Aug 09
20 Nov 11
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Originally posted by Marinkatomb
According to shredder end game database (http://www.shredderchess.com/online-chess/online-databases/endgame-database.html) it's a win but you have to give up the pawn. I'll be honest with you, it's seriously technical!
Semantics, but it should probably be phrased "you have to force the defending king to capture the pawn".

515 + 30 days

Syver Yurt TC

08 Mar 03
20 Nov 11
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Originally posted by Paul Leggett
Semantics, but it should probably be phrased "you have to force the defending king to capture the pawn".
Incorrect. Black is mated on a5/a6 depending on reply, but the King has to be driven off the 8th, the pawn Queened and exhanged off.

It took only a few mins to find the line but to force the mate was delicate and that took quite some time. However, if GP were to sponsor the board as depicted by the OP, on his blog, then I'd be happy to play it out against all. So, from that position we have white with......

1. Kd5...


Paul Leggett
Chess Librarian

The Stacks

21 Aug 09
21 Nov 11
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Originally posted by skeeter
Incorrect. Black is mated on a5/a6 depending on reply, but the King has to be driven off the 8th, the pawn Queened and exhanged off.

It took only a few mins to find the line but to force the mate was delicate and that took quite some time. However, if GP were to sponsor the board as depicted by the OP, on his blog, then I'd be happy to play it out against all. So, from that position we have white with......

1. Kd5...

Thanks for the correction!



06 May 08
22 Nov 11
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Hi Skeets:

"if GP were to sponsor the board as depicted by the OP, on his blog, then
I'd be happy to play it out against all. "

Sorry mate, I don't want this endgame guff on the blog. I hope you uderstand.
Start up a new thread.

My old team Jonathan Parker has to win this OTB v Gwain Jones.
Obviously hanging about with me did him some good. I cannot quite recall when
I showed him how to win this ending but obviously I must have.

J. Parker - G.Jones British Champs 2006
(jump to move 70 to get to the key position..)

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