Originally posted by cmsMasterI don't care about your feelings. I'm not joining any more clans at the moment. If you play 1...e5 I will win.
Arrogant? I guess that opinion is probably formed from my profile?
In any case, I don't think I'm arrogant.
nope, can't see why people would think you were arrogant from that 😉😛
The post that was quoted here has been removedI don't put it past people to pull 3(b)'s on me if they're that desperate to play me, and besides, it doesn't make too much sense for me to waste my time on potentially winning 5 points when I could accept challenges from more worthy players (Kmac still wants more) and gain many more points from a win, and lose many less from a loss.
Originally posted by Dies IraeThe big deal is that I have finals next week - with LOTS of borderline grades, which means that any time I spend playing chess is really time that should be spent studying my ass off.
Just play him whats the big deal.
On top of this, why should I accept challenges from every idiot that thinks I'm arrogant and wants to knock me down a peg? I don't think that makes much sense, and I'm sure a lot of people agree with me.
Finally, why would I want to play him? I have plenty of exciting games (too many maybe) going on right now. It'd just be a waste of my time, I get bored playing 1300's who drop their queen or at least a piece nearly every game.
Originally posted by cmsMasterwell if he pulls a 3(b) on me, I'll let you know (ok that's a lie, but if he shows up on the banned list...)
I don't put it past people to pull 3(b)'s on me if they're that desperate to play me, and besides, it doesn't make too much sense for me to waste my time on potentially winning 5 points when I could accept challenges from more worthy players (Kmac still wants more) and gain many more points from a win, and lose many less from a loss.
otherwise, whatever, if you don't wana play him then that's your choice.
random fact: I'm playing games again
Originally posted by YUG0slavHm, ok the last one maybe - but I love to show people that the KG has tons of power, and like it says, I'm 20-2-2 with it, I should get to brag about it.
I don't care about your feelings. I'm not joining any more clans at the moment. If you play 1...e5 I will win.
nope, can't see why people would think you were arrogant from that 😉😛
And now that I think I've done more than my fair share of explaing - can we please get back on topic and talk about the games!? Especially the Whirlpool and DCPK games where I think plenty of talk can be had.
Originally posted by cmsMasterwell the first thing that comes to my mind in your whirlpool games is Kd2?!
Hm, ok the last one maybe - but I love to show people that the KG has tons of power, and like it says, I'm 20-2-2 with it, I should get to brag about it.
And now that I think I've done more than my fair share of explaing - can we please get back on topic and talk about the games!? Especially the Whirlpool and DCPK games where I think plenty of talk can be had.
I'll edit this when I look at it more and consider why you didnt play the King to f2 instead
EDIT: ok i see, Nxf4 followed by Qe4 leads to hurting and mass Initiative loss
Originally posted by YUG0slavBook move, I think Kd2 is best here, although I don't really remember the idea, I'll have to go back and look. In fact, I think this might have been a move that Fritz helped me come up with a while back - but it's pretty well known I guess because Whirlpool mentioned finding this line in his research during the game (I think he said he looked on forums, etc. for information about the line.) I remember while I was going over it with Fritz that F9 said the best move was Qa5+ and then the idea was Kc3 Qa4 b3 Qa6 (I think, I don't actually remember exactly :/) and the king heads to b3 after. The move whirlpool played caught me by surprise and I did my best to screw things up as soon as I got out of book! 😛
well the first thing that comes to my mind in your whirlpool games is Kd2?!
I'll edit this when I look at it more and consider why you didnt play the King to f2 instead
OK I checked, Kd2 is a book move and it's also the move that Fritz likes - Kf2 is F9's second favorite, I think white can get an equal game at best out of it. An example line from the engine...
12.Kf2 Nxf4 13.gxf4 Qe4 14.Ne3 Bxf4 15.Rg1+ Kh8 16.Qd3
And the following position is reached
When the bishop is traded for the knight, and the queens come off. Seems like an endgame would come soon - and that's the type of thing I like to avoid since I am terrible at endgames.
Originally posted by YUG0slavAbout your edit, that's what I thought at first too, and I almost posted that, before I took a more objective look at the position. I actually think that white keeps the initiative (if you can call it that after the mass trades) but doesn't really have mating threats anymore. It just seems like an endgame line where a draw appears way too likely for my tastes.
well the first thing that comes to my mind in your whirlpool games is Kd2?!
I'll edit this when I look at it more and consider why you didnt play the King to f2 instead
EDIT: ok i see, Nxf4 followed by Qe4 leads to hurting and mass Initiative loss
Originally posted by cmsMasteryou really surprise me as being a Semi-Slav, not KID, player
About your edit, that's what I thought at first too, and I almost posted that, before I took a more objective look at the position. I actually think that white keeps the initiative (if you can call it that after the mass trades) but doesn't really have mating threats anymore. It just seems like an endgame line where a draw appears way too likely for my tastes.
you really think white keeps a noticeable initiative, because I must disagree
Originally posted by cmsMasterHere's the line that I analyzed - I didn't go over any sidelines...
Book move, I think Kd2 is best here, although I don't really remember the idea, I'll have to go back and look. In fact, I think this might have been a move that Fritz helped me come up with a while back - but it's pretty well known I guess because Whirlpool mentioned finding this line in his research during the game (I think he said he looked on forums, e come soon - and that's the type of thing I like to avoid since I am terrible at endgames.
[Event "Blitz:3'"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "????.??.??"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Fritz 9"]
[Black "Johnson, Mike"]
[Result "*"]
[PlyCount "41"]
[TimeControl "180"]
{2MB, Book.ctg} 1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Nf3 g5 4. h4 g4 5. Ne5 Nf6 6.
Bc4 d5 7. exd5 Bd6 8. d4 O-O 9. Bxf4 Nh5 10. g3 f6 11. Nxg4 Qe8+ 12. Kd2 Nxf4
13. gxf4 Bxf4+ 14. Kc3 f5 15. Re1 Qa4 16. b3 Qa5+ 17. b4 Qa4 18. Bb3 Qb5 19. a4
Qb6 20. Ne5 Kh8 21. Qf3 *
This is the position I had hoped to reach, the book moves ended after 14.Kc3 and the rest are Fritz moves - apparently Fritz didn't have the easiest time analyzing the position though, because had the game followed this line white would have a nice edge.
Here's the FEN:
Originally posted by YUG0slavNo, that's why I said "If you can call it that". Hell, I don't know what I was thinking, there really isn't any initiative in that position. I just wanted to make the point that white seems to have the more active pieces, but a drawn endgame seems EXTREMELY likely.
you really surprise me as being a Semi-Slav, not KID, player
you really think white keeps a noticeable initiative, because I must disagree
I've basically picked up the Grunfeld - Semi-Slav every once in a while in CC with books/DBs at my side.
Anyhow, no, there's very little initiative for white - hence all of my "no mating threat" and "if you can call it that" statements. 😛