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Latvian Gambit

Latvian Gambit

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Originally posted by idioms
My problem with the Latvian is that it requires so much theory for a position that rarely comes up. Also, as soon as you get known as a "Latvian Gambit Player" your opponents will simply not play 2. Nf3 ..
2. Nf3 is not required for f5 as a reply

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Originally posted by idioms
My problem with the Latvian is that it requires so much theory for a position that rarely comes up. Also, as soon as you get known as a "Latvian Gambit Player" your opponents will simply not play 2. Nf3 ..
But these positions can be very wild.

And dont use this opening too often - as this opening is risky, it must be a surprise for opponent.

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Thanks for the heads up... I've joined

I have been playing the Latvian exclusively in answer to e4 Nf3 for a few months now. I don't know it yet except to say that I have been burnt a few times when I forget to play Nf6 before Qh5+ and it's no fun...

I started playing the King's Gambit and joined the Clan 24529 King's Gambit clan and I wanted something daring to try as Black.

There is no Latvian Gambit clan yet or I'd join it too...

As far as it being refuted... If Krammik knows the answer I don't see how that should matter to me and the ppl I play. For my level the year is 1850 and anything goes

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Oh goody, I have entered it.

I have a book on the Latvian by T Kapitaniak (Who the hell is he?)

I have never read it.

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Originally posted by Dragon Fire
Oh goody, I have entered it.

I have a book on the Latvian by T Kapitaniak (Who the hell is he?)

I have never read it.
Never heard about that author. Best know authors of Latvian Gambit books are J.Elburg, K.Grivainis and A.Kosten

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hi,i've had trouble with this opening in early times as white.But they can be tackled easily by accepting and exchanging as many pieces as possible and going to a quick endgame.I even managed to win against chessmaster9 facing this one.

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Originally posted by harisankars2003
hi,i've had trouble with this opening in early times as white.But they can be tackled easily by accepting and exchanging as many pieces as possible and going to a quick endgame.I even managed to win against chessmaster9 facing this one.
It isnt so easy 🙂

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hey,latvian gambit is not so hard to face as compared to king's gambit where white plays the gambit with an extra tempo.with black playing the gambit he can gain only = position with white playing carefully.

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Originally posted by harisankars2003
hey,latvian gambit is not so hard to face as compared to king's gambit where white plays the gambit with an extra tempo.with black playing the gambit he can gain only = position with white playing carefully.
For black = position in opening isnt bad too 🙂

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Originally posted by harisankars2003
hey,latvian gambit is not so hard to face as compared to king's gambit where white plays the gambit with an extra tempo.with black playing the gambit he can gain only = position with white playing carefully.
Agreed. Black playing a gambit to gain a tempo merely puts him in the position white was in at the start but a pawn behind whereas white ends up an, often decisive, 2 tempi ahead from a gambit.

I have never played this opening so it will be interesting to see if black struggles or not. Being a KG player I am wondering if the strategy will be the same focusing on f2 rather than f7. Its certainly how I am likely to play it.

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An extra tempo from being white isn't always better, for example in this position arising from the English black can play the interesting pawn sacrifice d5 because of white's extra tempo

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With reversed colors and no e3/e6 played d4 isn't good

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Originally posted by Dragon Fire
Agreed. Black playing a gambit to gain a tempo merely puts him in the position white was in at the start but a pawn behind whereas white ends up an, often decisive, 2 tempi ahead from a gambit.

I have never played this opening so it will be interesting to see if black struggles or not. Being a KG player I am wondering if the strategy will be the same focusing on f2 rather than f7. Its certainly how I am likely to play it.
I would advice you to chech database or find some good book about this opening. It will be very useful. If black dont know theory they can be crushed easily.

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Black plays the Frence Defence, the Ruy Lopez, the Caro Kann, the Sicilian Defence and others all the time. White plays these all of the time. Why is it that you feel that the Latvian Gambit is a surprise once in a while opening if it is so sound?

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Originally posted by gambit3
Black plays the Frence Defence, the Ruy Lopez, the Caro Kann, the Sicilian Defence and others all the time. White plays these all of the time. Why is it that you feel that the Latvian Gambit is a surprise once in a while opening if it is so sound?
This opening can be surprice and also this opening is playable more than once. I dodnt say that this opening is so sound, but its definetly better than its reputation.

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