28 Nov 12
Originally posted by 64squaresofpainI found myself watching 5 hours of commentary every night last time London was on. I wish every super GM tournie provided so much coverage. I completely ignored the WC after the first couple of games. I'm so pleased the format has changed to a double round robin (for the candidates). I'd actually prefer that to include the WC, but that's another debate.. 🙂
Truuee, but.... wanna watch live! 😲
Only live games i seen up to now are from this years world championship Anand vs Gelfand....
we all know how gripping and intense THAT was, huh
Originally posted by robbie carrobieHere is my psychological analysis of the Calsen vs Polgar game you posted if you are interested.
I like Carlsens games as well, he tends to avoid theoretical battles and simply gets his pieces out and outplays his opponents.
Carlsen v Polgar
[pgn]1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d3 Nc6 4. g3 d5 5. Qe2 Nf6 6. Bg2 Be7 7. O-O b5 8. exd5 exd5 9. d4 c4 10. Ne5 Nxd4 11. Qd1 Qb6 12. Be3 Bc5 13. Nc3 Be6 14. a4 b4 15. a5 Qc7 16. Na4 Bd6 17. Nxc4 Qxc4 18. Bxd4 B ...[text shortened]... e1 Qb6 34. Re3 a5 35. Rf3 Bg7 36. h4 h5 37. Ne4 Qd4 38. Ng5 Qxd5 39. Bxd5 Bc3 40. Rxf7 1-0[/pgn]
28 Nov 12
Originally posted by MarinkatombHigher quality than a rumour, but below the quality of a final decision. Source? The horse's mouth
Really? Is this a personal opinion or has there been a rumour suggesting this? I would be so upset if this tournament disappears as well. It is so well organised! TLCC is like Wimbledon for me, totally unmissable! :'(
Originally posted by MarinkatombNot so terrible in practice.
Really? That would be terrible! If this tournament finishes, what are all these super GMs going to do with themselves? Take up poker??
The sponsor is a hedge fund manager with a bottomless pile of cash. He's extracted all the political & business contacts he needs from the associations with the event. It can't go on forever. Be thankful it did at all
Originally posted by Fat LadyGuess away. I do know, but have honestly forgotten the name. Guesses might prompt my memory. I don't think the name is a secrecy. Rather, the guy doesn't want (or need) generalised publicity.
Would it be inappropriate to guess who the mysterious sponsor is? I've got a strong suspicion of who it might be.
Well judging by the fact that nowadays I only ever hear about him at the London Chess Classic and that he is known to be very rich, I think the sponsor could well be David Norwood.
He was sat at the "Sponsor's table" in 2010:
Of course he could just be a friend of the sponsor.
Originally posted by Fat LadyWould Luke McShane have any professional relationship with this sponsor? He's something of a City boy as i understand it..?
Well judging by the fact that nowadays I only ever hear about him at the London Chess Classic and that he is known to be very rich, I think the sponsor could well be David Norwood.
He was sat at the "Sponsor's table" in 2010:
Of course he could just be a friend of the sponsor.
Also, who keeps giving Atticus2 a thumbs down on every post? It's very childish..
Originally posted by MarinkatombAtticus2 was given 1 tumbs up and 4 tumbs down on 4 posts. I was given 4 tumbs down on 1 post, and I was trying to educate you guys on the psychology of chess. How childish is that?
Would Luke McShane have any professional relationship with this sponsor? He's something of a City boy as i understand it..?
Also, who keeps giving Atticus2 a thumbs down on every post? It's very childish..
Originally posted by Fat LadyDefinitely not Norwood. I'd certainly not have forgotten that name. It's a guy who runs a hedge fund, not a fund I'm familiar with; hence, the name didn't register. Doubt McShane is involved. He definitely wasn't at the start.
Well judging by the fact that nowadays I only ever hear about him at the London Chess Classic and that he is known to be very rich, I think the sponsor could well be David Norwood.
He was sat at the "Sponsor's table" in 2010:
Of course he could just be a friend of the sponsor.
Thumbs up, thumbs down? Do I care?