Originally posted by tolikcheturiWell, um, yes it was all you.
Lets make peace and i apologize to all....for my bad manners....and i will take my medications as you guys suggested...
but what about your bad manners? is it all me???
You started a threat accusing your innocent opponents of being "nasty, disgusting cheaters" - a violation of the TOS, I might add.
If you notice in my first post, I never called you names or was completely disrespectful to you. I might have been a little rude, but I think it was called for in response to someone making wild accusations.
Yes, It was you that started with juvenile name calling and have continued to do so.
Yes, it was you that violated the TOS.
Yes, it was you that made accusations against people for no reason.
Yes, it is you that began this thread offensively and have continued to be offensive and incoherent throughout it.
Again- I really could use some more rec's, tolik. Would you mind hitting the recommend button for me? Thanks!
I didnt know i violated anything and i am sorry for my ignorence and i already apologized! what the heck can i do??? Just forgive me for those whom i broke their heart! i just wanna make the world better placec but i went in a wrong way! and i undeerstand even though i am stupid..
Anyways, you guys who are already disgusted by me never will see me anyways, because yesterday was it for me! I got my chess lesson and no need for more....The reason i replied today was that everybody seemed to have anger at me and calling me name out of BLUE! even though they had no clue what they were talking about...I felt bad...
Thx for understanding, and i will not reply unless anybody attacks my honor again!
it was obvious to me but didn't want to say anything (fearing ban).
But from his post he really is stupid..
And will never reach 1800 with his own brain.. even after hours of lessons.
I know this type of person is one who can't think for themselfs.. and can only do what they're told. you'r nothing but a ROBOT and badly wired one too.
Dearest Centernut,
I think your iq level is around 90! I have to be honest it is not bad iq, it is just a little lower than avarage! Keep working on those chess puzzles and maybe you will get 1600 when you are 50. And I already know that you have never even been to a chess club and you dare to talk about elo tarings which you know nothing about clearly. Please keep your smart comments to your little brain and get out of england a little bit! And stop hating me and if you read the comments before this thread is over! Do not write anymore! Everybody knows who is the cheat, and especially guys like yuou who writes a profile like you did tend to cheat! Or might have earlier and now they figrued it is no use!
what the fu*k are you talking about? you just wanna have fight, i dont even wanna talk to you..and that post is not to you? what is up with you smartie????? what is your point? if you wann have a fight go fight your mama! please shut up! and save some valuable energy for both of us! Peace! Just because you are not in my level to eben understand about that england comment....and took it to an extremely racist point which i never meant! (if I did as an accident i apologize to all englishmen which i have full respect)
Get a life sicilian and stop hating me, i never harmed you! do not harm me!