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Need help getting to 1400?

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Originally posted by Shinidoki
Read this thread then....

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Originally posted by RahimK
No 1.h4 or 1.g4 stuff etc... and Bring you pieces out before instead of making lots of pawn moves etc...
Whats wrong with 1 g4? Its a great move.

I am playing 10 games with it at the moment!

Edit: Make that 8 as I have won 2 of them!

Edit 2: I am going to play some with 1 h4 to see if this is also crap!

Edit 3: In fact I will play some with 1. h4 and 2. g4 Game 2282017 - ongoing so no comments allowed

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Originally posted by Dragon Fire
I am going to play some with 1 h4 to see if this is also crap!
Game 2111102 😀

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Originally posted by cmsMaster
If he can't read what the hell is he doing trying to learn chess?

But how is he going to understand my advice when its in words??

Maybe if i construct a sentence entirely out of smiley faces he will understand


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1.g4 -- The "grubby" Grob.

the problem with it is simple.

Within the first move you have pretty much ruled out kingside castling, and havn't done much to develop the centre.

its only real "first move merit" Is that it allows the bishop to a good square - in which case, 1.g3!...2. Bg2....3.Nf6...4.0-0 [hypermodernism]

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*** Had some problems posting my Whole "post"

so this is the 2nd part, the first, above^^^

but despite these shortcomings, it has quite a bit of theory to it, All of which seems to make the grob a tactical minefield.

This is why is works well at blitz, and often, otb games.

Unfortunatly however, it opening is a little unsound, which should mean in corr. chess it should be easily refuted.

I have a Book by bloodgood, databases, opening books, and have enough time to do a little interent research - and by doing so, I should be able to advoid the trap and pitfuls and come out shining.

Take this game as example (corr.): - http://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=1286141
Black played simply, ignored g4, and simply developed the centre - in the mean time, white was busy with an ineffective pawn storm.

while your on the site, take a look at this: - http://www.chessgames.com/perl/chesscollection?cid=1003742

^ a whole bunch of wins and loses

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Originally posted by Dragon Fire
Whats wrong with 1 g4? Its a great move.

I am playing 10 games with it at the moment!

Edit: Make that 8 as I have won 2 of them!

Edit 2: I am going to play some with 1 h4 to see if this is also crap!

Edit 3: In fact I will play some with 1. h4 and 2. g4 Game 2282017 - ongoing so no comments allowed
For beginners it's a horrible move. That's not how you learn to play chess. Once your are better do what you want.

As for the game link, honestly my opinion: Ratings.... Lots of people can play crazy opening and still win against people 500+ points lower then than them. Nothing to be proud off.

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Originally posted by RahimK
For beginners it's a horrible move. That's not how you learn to play chess. Once your are better do what you want.

As for the game link, honestly my opinion: Ratings.... Lots of people can play crazy opening and still win against people 500+ points lower then than them. Nothing to be proud off.
You don't think I will challenge someone rated 1800 with this opening do you?

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Originally posted by Dragon Fire
You don't think I will challenge someone rated 1800 with this opening do you?
Whats wrong with 1 g4? Its a great move.

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Originally posted by RahimK
Whats wrong with 1 g4? Its a great move.
1.h4 is positionally sounder...it discourages 1....g6 and increases control of h3 which 1.g4 weakens!

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Can some one explain the how the answer to no3 works please @ http://chess.about.com/library/midgames/blmb2a02.htm

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Originally posted by The Drake
Can some one explain the how the answer to no3 works please @ http://chess.about.com/library/midgames/blmb2a02.htm
See my answer under the thread you started on this tactic test.

Thread 47826

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Originally posted by Mister Meaner
1.h4 is positionally sounder...it discourages 1....g6 and increases control of h3 which 1.g4 weakens!
I was being sarcasitic. He says 1.g4 is a great move yet he wouldn't play it against people who are close to his rating.

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Here is the initial evidence of h4!

Game 2282017 swifty followed by that other bad move g4. Note the way the pawns storm forward down the g and h ranks eventually assisting with delivering mate.

Alternatively Game 2282032 where g4 is delayed to move 6. Again a pawn storm assists a break through and helps the Q deliver mate on the 7th rank.

Or Game 2282018 where both h4 and g4 are again played and is victory is achieved in under 20 moves with a stunning back rank mate

For g4 a stunning victory Game 2269230

So the results so far

h4 P3 W3 D0 L0 , 2 in progress.
g4 P1 W1 D0 L0, 9 in progress.

Pretty conclusive so far!

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Watch this game as it unfold 1. g4 against an 1800+ player

Game 2283854

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