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Need help getting to 1400?

Need help getting to 1400?

Only Chess

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Too Many People asking for these threads. Where is my sticky!!!!

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I need help getting back to 1400. I think if I really put my mind to it if I can overcome some of my stupidity I can be a 1550-1600 player...please help

deathbypawn (1120)current (1425)highest rhp rating allowed myself to be timedout in hundreds of games in my long absence...now Im slowly working my way back up and wont play more than 6 games at once even when I subscribe

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Originally posted by RahimK
Too Many People asking for these threads. Where is my sticky!!!!
These threads are a mess. I've just clicked through 3 or 4 pages and couldn't find anything informative.

Why don't you turn the advice you give into a website, then everytime somebody asks for help, send them to the appropriate page?


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Originally posted by Diet Coke
1400 hundred is a little too close to 1200 to be anything special.
Heh, with my low level playing skill I can definitely feel a difference playing a 1200 and a 1400 rated player. I seem to beat most 1200s, but when I face a 1300 or higher opponent I tend to struggle more to get a win (most of the time I end up losing). Of course, back when I was a 1000 rated noob I felt the same thing about 1200 rated players 🙂

For me getting to 1400 would be somewhat of a milestone. I've been following this thread since I joined RHP and can notice a marked improvement in my play. Still hanging pieces and missing few tactics, but not as much as I used to.

It's all about baby steps 🙂

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Originally posted by Ragnorak
These threads are a mess. I've just clicked through 3 or 4 pages and couldn't find anything informative.

Why don't you turn the advice you give into a website, then everytime somebody asks for help, send them to the appropriate page?

If you ask, you shall receive.

Page 2 half way down. Page 12 is on planning.

Ya, I will find my threads and put them on my blog, easier access in the future.

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Whereas on this one the simple solution is: -

"Learn the Rules"

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would it bother you if the players are not subscribed? cuz otherwise id be gald to get help.

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Originally posted by tournymangr
would it bother you if the players are not subscribed? cuz otherwise id be gald to get help.
This thread is old...just find all the "how to get to [insert rating]" threads and Dragonfire's basic endgame threads and bookmark them or put them in your favs...it sure helped me! 😀

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