I gave you my advice. Either cheat on Yahoo or don't play there at all.
Picture this:
You are playing great undefeated have a 1750 rating on yahoo. All of sudden you lose to someone, so you play a rematch and lose over and over again. Your really mad about it, wrecked your whole day and you find out he was cheating.
That's yahoo for you.
Another stupid thing, the beginner,social/intermediete/advanced all have the same ratings.
You could pick up your 1750 rating in beginner or advanced and no one would know.
BTW, 2200+ on Yahoo for me, That's right I got the red dot by name.
2240 was my highest around there somewhere. I'll tell you how, I made a new account to seperate my play account from the computer account when I got deep fritz 8, borrowed a fast labtop and tested it out on yahoo. Give the cheaters some of their medicine back. Got to 2200+ on that account after several games. Then I said goodbye to yahoo chess.
Although the poker there is fun and I don't think there are cheaters for that.
Originally posted by willrayyyUser 51064
honest to god my teacher is the real willray and he teaches chess!!
This willray you mean?
Originally posted by kmac27Everything.
whats wrong with yahoo chess you can always find a game and you can take 10 minutes a move is that not long enough? also if someone is cheating and you play them and you keep losing it just helps you get better because your playing a higher rated player basically.
Originally posted by kmac27Point by point
whats wrong with yahoo chess you can always find a game and you can take 10 minutes a move is that not long enough? also if someone is cheating and you play them and you keep losing it just helps you get better because your playing a higher rated player basically.
Your profile : "age 17 can u beat me?" The answer is yes.
10 mins per a move isnt long enough, at least one in three games most club players will spend more than 10 mins on one move.
If you are hoping to learn from someone cheating ie trying to pick up tricks from an engine heres a hint.....duh stop it. Engines brute force positions to find the best move, humans normally dont. Kasparov recently said he didnt think more than 2 moves deep in 50% of positions. You wont gain much understanding from being cheated on yahoo.
Originally posted by Freddie2006You can ask for undos on playchess too, as long as its unrated. While yahoo does cater for en passent, if you do do it people will start to call you cheat and ask where there pawn went.
Just played my first game on yahoo. Found it hilarious that you could "request turn undo" during games. I didn't stay to check if they catered for en passent.