Thank you heinzkat and woodworm for your input.
I did consider playing that line, but I was put off by what I saw as playing for a draw a pawn down. After the given line I couldn't see where I would go from there. I assumed from there black would play something like 17. ... Qd4 at which point I'm stuck.
Given that I was a pawn down was the objectively best thing to do just to simplify to a rook endgame that would basically be drawn despite the material difference?
Originally posted by heinzkatWell,... lets post my last OTB game again.
Qh3 had its merits, as shown in the game.
Opponent rating --> 1600
I play the white pieces
My notes so far:
11. Bg5 does not really help
19. Bd4 is offcourse much better, I saw it, calculated it oddly enough decided against it.
21. Qf3?, better is 21. Rf1
I missed 24...f6
25...Nf7, drawoffer by black
30...Qd7, drawoffer by black
I really could use some help here.
- How should I have handled the kingside attack?
Other RHP members, feel free to post your OTB games and related questions