Only Chess
07 Dec 06
Originally posted by ckoh1965Black is almost in zugzwang; even if it were his turn, White could give mate against all but one move, namely 1...Qh8. So White simply takes that option away:
Another one given by my buddy ilywrin from his classic collection. Brilliant puzzles. White to mate in 2.
[fen]8/5Pq1/2R3P1/2PP2B1/K1p1p3/N1kpN2R/3n3Q/b7 w - - 0 1[/fen]
1...Bb2 2.Nb5#
1...N~ 2.Nb5#
1...Kb2 2.Qxd2#
1...Kd4 2.Nb5#
1...Qxh8 2.Qxh8#
1...Qd4 2.Nd1#
1...Q~ 2.Q(x)e5# or 2.B(x)f6#