Originally posted by greenpawn34With this you probably managed to confuse 70% of the readers.
You were right first time [b]Dustycat.
Remember the text clue.
You are playing a 1900 player. Play it safe and take the draw. 😉
[FEN "3r1rk1/pp3ppp/3pn3/1qpN4/5PP1/P5PQ/1PP5/1K1R4 w - - 0 1"]
[SetUp "1"]
. . . r . r k .
p p . . . p p p
. . . p n . . .
. q p N . . . .
. . . . . P P .
P . . . . . P Q
. P P . ...[text shortened]... --------------}
1. Qxh7+ Kxh7 2. Rh1+ Kg6 3. Ne7+ Kf6 4. Nd5+ Kg6 5. Ne7+ Kf6 6. Nd5+[/pgn][/b]
Please return your latest award,you've disgraced it.
Or,better yet,make up for it with a nice instructive post 🙂
Originally posted by toeternitoeI was one of the 30% who understood it. Typical greenpawn humor. Maybe I should be concerned that I'm starting to think like him. 😞
With this you probably managed to confuse 70% of the readers.
Please return your latest award,you've disgraced it.
Or,better yet,make up for it with a nice instructive post 🙂
You will find a lot of 3-4 mating combinations have back door pep-checks.
I used this 'cos it fitted in with the scenario.
When working out a sac-sac mating attack it can be good to spot a perpetual
and stick it in your back pocket. You can relax and perhaps go for the first
few moves to get a clearer picture knowing you cannot lose.
The bad news is when you play a strong player OTB and you know there
is a perpetual there you take it even though your gut is telling you to look
for the win.
IM Mark Condie was telling me he had a win v Nigel Short. (see below)
But it was not 100% clear OTB, he was looking for a mating combination
and saw the perpetual.
He wanted to play 1...Bxc3 but could not get the clear draw out of his head.
1...Bxc3 wins the Queen for Rook & Bishop, the win is fairly routine for
someone of that class but Short's board presence 'which Mark referred to'
and the clear unavoidable perpetual were just too much.
N.Short - M.Condie, Brighton 1984
And yet it can be a good thing. I played Mark the same year and beat him
with a combination where all I was intending was to nick a perpetual.
I was waiting on one loose move to spring my trap.
The loose move turned my pep-trap into a mate.
Mark was a wee bit annoyed with himself but two days later told me
and showed me what he intended with his loose move.
He was going for a pretty finsih because he knew I would like it.
Chess is a cruel game. And sometimes a win can make you feel bad...
..........for a little while. 😉
Originally posted by greenpawn34I still f and ail to see why Ne7+ and K has to go to h8...2. Qxp+ K has to take KxQ and Rh1+ and K cant to back to h8 or g8 or g6 cuz of the N on e7..I must be missing something....I agree that I would accept a draw ordinarily from a 1900...
You were right first time [b]Dustycat.
Remember the text clue.
You are playing a 1900 player. Play it safe and take the draw. 😉
[FEN "3r1rk1/pp3ppp/3pn3/1qpN4/5PP1/P5PQ/1PP5/1K1R4 w - - 0 1"]
[SetUp "1"]
. . . r . r k .
p p . . . p p p
. . . p n . . .
. q p N . . . .
. . . . . P P .
P . . . . . P Q
. P P . ...[text shortened]... --------------}
1. Qxh7+ Kxh7 2. Rh1+ Kg6 3. Ne7+ Kf6 4. Nd5+ Kg6 5. Ne7+ Kf6 6. Nd5+[/pgn][/b]
Originally posted by dustycatIf it starts with Ne7+, black only has the one move, that is to move to h8. When the queen is sac'd the knight cuts off the escape via g8 and g6 so the rook can move in and mate. And yes I would be very very very very happy to take the draw. Though if I were down a piece I might wonder why a 1900 is offering me a draw and look for something weird. I would probably never see that type of sac and mate in a real game.
I still f and ail to see why Ne7+ and K has to go to h8...2. Qxp+ K has to take KxQ and Rh1+ and K cant to back to h8 or g8 or g6 cuz of the N on e7..I must be missing something....I agree that I would accept a draw ordinarily from a 1900...
Originally posted by dustycatDusty,your solution starting with 1.Ne7+ is correct.It's mate in 3.
I still f and ail to see why Ne7+ and K has to go to h8...2. Qxp+ K has to take KxQ and Rh1+ and K cant to back to h8 or g8 or g6 cuz of the N on e7..I must be missing something....I agree that I would accept a draw ordinarily from a 1900...
I gave it below the puzzle including the game it stems from.
Don't let the little green men confuse you 😉
Golfer,whenever someone offers a draw try to figure out why he thinks he's worse!Only when you don't see anything,and you think a draw is a good result,you accept.In this case all moves are forced,no sidelines,no tricks.You should take a 1900 scalp!
Btw,the whole thing with the 1900 is to get the point across that you shouldn't look at ratings,instead judge things by the position.
And to make a little story out of it 🙂
Hi guys.
Yes Dusty is was a wee gag but I like your way of thinking.
Look at all checks starting with Queens sac checks and work your way
down from there. Apparently it is was Tal did
The final mating pattern has it's roots from an ancient opening trap
that can crop up in the Open Defence to the Lopez (4...Nxe4)
Here is one varition Berryman - Straat. Hastings 1919. (14 moves).
Next round in the tourney.You're facing your old nemesis.He's rated 200 points lower than you but,for some reason,he always beats you.And yes,things look grim again.
However,there is a way to save the half point.
Black to move and draw
Probably a bit more difficult but a good lesson in defense/swindling 🙂