Originally posted by toeternitoejust looked at again....black K to e5 and N to f4 after various moves black would sacrifice N on h file and move a pawn to a2 where white B would take and black K would take e4....white can't mate with just B and K....or something like that. I havent worked out ...just an idea..
Next round in the tourney.You're facing your old nemesis.He's rated 200 points lower than you but,for some reason,he always beats you.And yes,things look grim again.
However,there is a way to save the half point.
Black to move and draw
[fen]8/pB6/4nk2/8/4P3/5K2/7P/8 b - - 0 1[/fen]
Probably a bit more difficult but a good lesson in defense/swindling 🙂
Originally posted by Gatusso
Oh, and one from my own games, pretty forcing so not that hard:
mate in 4 (not counting a useless material giving move that postpones mate 😛)
1.Bg5+ Kd7 2.Qg4+ Kd6 3.Be7+ Kxe5 4.d4 checkmate.Slight bug 1.... Qf6 but still losing big
Originally posted by GatussoMy good man,I think you lost sight of the thread's title 🙂
Nice one, heres a few more (from an Euwe book), all black to move:
[fen]4rrk1/pppb4/7p/3P2pq/2PQ4/6P1/PP3nKP/R3RNN1 b - - 0 1[/fen]
mate in 3
[fen]1k6/ppp3Qp/3q2p1/8/bn6/P5P1/1P3r1P/KR3R2 b - - 0 1[/fen]
mate in 4
And the last one is quite tricky, find the winning move:
[fen]1r4k1/p2q1ppp/8/3b4/3n4/P1Q5/PBPP1PPP/R4R1K b - - 0 1[/fen]
The last one I cannot solve.