Question about this game

Question about this game

Only Chess


03 Mar 07
01 Aug 07

Game 3869894

This game, its finished, I dont feel I made any real mistakes, but the pawn was never really posioned. Was wondering if anyone could suggest some improvments on what I played.


Planet Earth , Mwy

23 Jan 06
01 Aug 07

move 7--f4?? f3 was correct and 14 bishop h4?? pawn to h4 was correct---after those 2 blunders blacks position was always better in this game-----[hope to have been of some help!

Stealer of Souls

Waiting for You

16 Feb 07
01 Aug 07
1 edit

Originally posted by RECUVIC
move 7--f4??
f4 is the correct move there


30 Nov 06
01 Aug 07
1 edit

Originally posted by RECUVIC
move 7--f4?? f3 was correct and 14 bishop h4?? pawn to h4 was correct---after those 2 blunders blacks position was always better in this game-----[hope to have been of some help!
blunders? f4 is the main line played by many gm's .

edit: but this must come as no suprise to you since you are an IGM

RHP Prophet

pursuing happiness

22 Feb 06
01 Aug 07
2 edits

Originally posted by RECUVIC
move 7--f4?? f3 was correct and 14 bishop h4?? pawn to h4 was correct---after those 2 blunders blacks position was always better in this game-----[hope to have been of some help!
7. f4 is the main-line book move in that position and is not a blunder.

I did not like Bh4.

Also I wasn't in love with the move Qb1.


29 Mar 07
01 Aug 07
2 edits


15 Aug 05
01 Aug 07
3 edits

Losing the Thread

Quarantined World

27 Oct 04
01 Aug 07
2 edits

What RECUVIC probably means is don't play 6. Bg5 but 6. f3. The line 6. Bg5 e6 7. f3 has been played, but scores about 38% and is not very good. In fact it doesn't make sense since if white is playing f3 it implies that g4 and g5 are to follow when the bishop on g5 gets in the way a bit. 14. h4 is bizarre and not good (I checked with Crafty - it doesn't like it either).

In the Najdorf Poisoned Pawn white is looking to keep black's queen trapped on a3 for as long as possible, it is probably better to play 9. Nb3 rather than 9 Rb1, for one thing there are some lines when black can actually lose the queen; also the rook is not necessarily better on b1 than a1, whereas you're probably going to have to play Nb3 anyway, so why not do it first. Unfortunately the only game I have in this line is in progress and not likely to finish soon - I've managed to keep my 2,200 opponent's queen out of the game for a long time though.

I agree with everyone else that 14. Bh4 is a mistake, 14. e5 is much better and has won in 4 of the 5 games on my database. 14. Bh4 is a mistake, but not because the game move - I went through your game with Crafty and it thinks that after 14. Bh4 black should castle and only then take the e pawn. In the game black played Nxe4 when you got the right continuation up to move 19 again according to Crafty 19. Qb4+ is a killer, it does seem to cause black all sorts of problems (14 ... 0-0 avoids this), it was also available on move 20, but not once black moved to g8. After that you were suffering from being a pawn down, simple as that really.

Losing the Thread

Quarantined World

27 Oct 04
01 Aug 07


29 Mar 07
02 Aug 07
3 edits

The post that was quoted here has been removed
yeah, it must be a natural talent to get to 1700+ without ever seeing any text including any tactical puzzles, any game annotations, any postion analysis, any tutorials. you log - on to redhotpawn and that's it. you don't even have to take a small peek at the forums for months, just log in and play, and there you are, a 1700+ player.


03 Mar 07
02 Aug 07
1 edit

Originally posted by DeepThought
What RECUVIC probably means is don't play 6. Bg5 but 6. f3. The line 6. Bg5 e6 7. f3 has been played, but scores about 38% and is not very good. In fact it doesn't make sense since if white is playing f3 it implies that g4 and g5 are to follow when the bishop on g5 gets in the way a bit. 14. h4 is bizarre and not good (I checked with Crafty - it doesn oved to g8. After that you were suffering from being a pawn down, simple as that really.
Yeah I realized Bh4 was a mistake after I made it, I had intended to play Bf2 to strengthen that diagonal I believe.

I hope thats what Recuvic meant, because I was playing the old mainline of the Najdorf where if Black doesn't go for the PP variation, I play Qf3 and then 0-0-0.

*edit* And thanks for everyone that offered help with the game, I appreciate it.


07 Nov 04
02 Aug 07

Originally posted by Leaadas
Game 3869894

This game, its finished, I dont feel I made any real mistakes, but the pawn was never really posioned. Was wondering if anyone could suggest some improvments on what I played.
The Najdorf Poisoned Pawn variation is one of the most theoretical and heavily analysed openings in chess. It really isn't advisable to play it with either colour unless you're up to speed with the theory.

I believe it has for some time been considered OK for black, though I seem to remember recently seeing a GM game in which white came up with an interesting new idea. But since I don't play this for either side, I didn't really pay it too much attention. Might be worth looking up on a database though...


03 Mar 07
02 Aug 07

Originally posted by Northern Lad
The Najdorf Poisoned Pawn variation is one of the most theoretical and heavily analysed openings in chess. It really isn't advisable to play it with either colour unless you're up to speed with the theory.

I believe it has for some time been considered OK for black, though I seem to remember recently seeing a GM game in which white came up with an in ...[text shortened]... I didn't really pay it too much attention. Might be worth looking up on a database though...
Yeah this was the actual first time I had ever faced it, and I have played the main line Najdorf a bunch in blitz. So I dont know the main ideas from either side.

Losing the Thread

Quarantined World

27 Oct 04
20 Aug 07

This is the game I referred to in the above post. It ended in a draw: Game 3386876

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