blitz chess... cool.. i suck at blitz but like to play it... does this mean i am going to ruin the low rating i have that i spent so long getting 😵 if i play a few blitz games and get beat up? it would be cool to have two seperate rating.. one for correspondence(or watever they call this kinda chess)..and one for blitz...
Well good, I just rattled off three wins in a row. 🙂 One in the Czech Benoni as white, and two as black in the Semi-Slav. I know at least one player that I don't expect to fall for this line anymore:
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Nf3 e6 5.e3 Nbd7 6.Bd3 dxc4 7.Bxc4 b5 8.Nxb5? cxb5 9.Bxb5?? Qa5+! 0-1
I played one game. Don't like the fact that it gives correspondence rating, probably because my blitz sucks and i don't like the two of them linked. Also, the board and type are too small. I like it bigger because of my poor eyesight. When a piece moves, the whole board flickers for a second, distracting. Other than that, it looks ok. Most of my complaints are visual because of my crummy eyes. Eagle eyed youngsters wouldn't have noticed.
Originally posted by buddy2I agree.....
I played one game. Don't like the fact that it gives correspondence rating, probably because my blitz sucks and i don't like the two of them linked. Also, the board and type are too small. I like it bigger because of my poor eyesight. When a piece moves, the whole board flickers for a second, distracting. Other than that, it looks ok. Most of my complaints are visual because of my crummy eyes. Eagle eyed youngsters wouldn't have noticed.
against 1800 corr. i got a draw and a win.
against a 1400corr. I got 2 wins and 3 loses.