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06 May 08
22 Apr 09
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(continued from previous post)

....You can use two posts!

(prepare it all on note pad and be quick!).

I also look at some of their other games to see if I can spot
a problem. Only looked at a few of this lad's but did find the game below.

He can play the opening OK when he wants too, but he is very
careless - missed the mate in one against himself and before that
a good tactical shot for himself.

Needs to stop before playing automatic moves and LOOK

One thing to remember about giving feedback.
If you don't know or unsure, then say nothing.

One of the guys in Bates Motel asked a question about an opening
I don't play. Rather read some nonsense from an opening book,
I am getting feedback from a strong player who does play that opening to pass on.

Last thing, if you do find them missing the same thing over and over
again in their games - kick them in the teeth.
You have to be cruel be to kind.

If anyone else has a good tip on giving feedback - pass it on.

Here is the game I found.

10. O-O

Kalispell, MT

05 Jul 08
22 Apr 09
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I guess really at move 29 I should have continued for the Perpetual.
On my board at home, the threat of the Knight fork after the capture
seemed like it could cause some playable ending ideas for white

yeah thats a woops... and thats how you lose, with bad chess vision!


30 Mar 09
22 Apr 09
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Originally posted by Nowakowski
Sometimes the errors of your ways are not clear...

but sometimes they are!

[pgn][Event "Clan challenge"]
[Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2009.01.18"]
[EndDate "2009.04.21"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Nowakowski"]
[Black "Lalisafavi"]
[WhiteRating "1589"]
[BlackRating "1114"]
[WhiteELO "1589"]
[BlackELO "1114"]
[Result "0-1"]
[GameId ...[text shortened]... idden]
[fen]5rkr/p5p1/3N2q1/7p/5Q2/4P3/PP3PPP/2R3K1 w - - 2 40 [/fen]
Ehr...You might want to check that again.
Or I need some explanation on what makes Qxf8 so great 😕


26 Oct 08
23 Apr 09
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Nowakowski, I see you played a brillant game, but did you win it? cause on the last, i think I saw a mate. Qb1 mate.

Do you like sacrifice material, cause you had plenty of opportunity to win some.

Caninus Interruptus


11 Apr 07
23 Apr 09
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Originally posted by Nowakowski
[pgn][Event "Clan challenge"]
[Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2009.01.18"]
[EndDate "2009.04.21"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Nowakowski"]
[Black "Lalisafavi"]
[WhiteRating "1589"]
[BlackRating "1114"]
[WhiteELO "1589"]
[BlackELO "1114"]
[Result "0-1"]
[GameId "5900098"]

1. Ng1f3 f6 2. d4 d5 3. c4 Bc8f5 4. e3 e5 5. cxd5 Bf8b4 6. Bc1d2 Bb4 ...[text shortened]... ah thats a woops... and thats how you lose, with bad chess vision!
9.Bxg8 Rxg8 10.Qb3 followed by Qxb7

15.Rxc6? was dreadful. There's no reason to sac. All you did by sac'ing is help him get his N into play. Instead, how about 15.dxe5 fxe5 16.Nc4 and Ncxe5 is on tap.

He really needed 17...Qc7 to keep your Q out of d6.

Finally, the Rf1 never got the chance to help in the attack. Why attack with only 2 pieces when you can have 3? 25.Rc1+! must spell doom. 25...Kb5 26.Nd6+ Ka6 27.Qd7! looks like grim death for Black.

10. O-O

Kalispell, MT

05 Jul 08
23 Apr 09
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Originally posted by SwissGambit
9.Bxg8 Rxg8 10.Qb3 followed by Qxb7

15.Rxc6? was dreadful. There's no reason to sac. All you did by sac'ing is help him get his N into play. Instead, how about 15.dxe5 fxe5 16.Nc4 and Ncxe5 is on tap.

He really needed 17...Qc7 to keep your Q out of d6.

Finally, the Rf1 never got the chance to help in the attack. Why attack with only 2 pieces whe ...[text shortened]... ave 3? 25.Rc1+! must spell doom. 25...Kb5 26.Nd6+ Ka6 27.Qd7! looks like grim death for Black.
9.Bxg8 Rxg8 10.Qb3 followed by Qxb7
excellent call, didn't even look for it. Just wanted to safety the king.

15.Rxc6? was dreadful. There's no reason to sac.
All you did by sac'ing is help him get his N into play.
Instead, how about 15.dxe5 fxe5 16.Nc4 and Ncxe5 is on tap.

Yes. Clearly a mistake, was trying to apply some pressure that wasn't
going to be there...an attack that just ran out. Should have analyzed
it first, but really just looked at the board for a few seconds and made
a bad decision.

He really needed 17...Qc7 to keep your Q out of d6.

Finally, the Rf1 never got the chance to help in the attack.
Why attack with only 2 pieces when you can have 3? 25.Rc1+! must
spell doom.
25...Kb5 26.Nd6+ Ka6 27.Qd7! looks like grim death for Black.

25. Rc1+! is a great move
no excuse, just missed it.
I think after much of the work I've done in the time since making that
move several months ago, I would see it now. Or at least I'd like to
think I would.

Thanks SwissGambit very helpful analysis, it should help me in the future.


01 Oct 08
30 Apr 09
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Hi everyone!

I just drawed a game, and would like to have your comments on it. Especially in the end, can you see any way to improve black position and avoid draw? cause I had a very small advantage but could not find any way to improve...

many thanks!!

CCC Club Leader

Denver, CO

23 Feb 03
08 May 09
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I think my bishop move on #3 was premature, and my exchange that I initiated around move 10 did not help me....

Any constructive criticism would be appreciated... thanks


01 Oct 08
08 May 09
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I think you make a lot of mistakes in your opening, because you do not follow any kind of principles.

here are two of them you should apply a bit more...

- avoid to move your Knight (or any of your pieces) more than once. Here it is completely awful: your Knight goes f3, e5, d3, c5. what a waste of time!!
- finish to develop your pieces and protect your king before attacking. Unless there are obvious threats, of course. which is not the case here. because if you don't, your opponent's counter attack will be more efficient, because you are more vulnerable!


23 May 08
08 May 09
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Originally posted by Macpo
Hi everyone!

I just drawed a game, and would like to have your comments on it. Especially in the end, can you see any way to improve black position and avoid draw? cause I had a very small advantage but could not find any way to improve...

many thanks!!

[pgn][Event "Clan challenge"] [Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"] [Date "2009.01.08"] [EndDate "200 ...[text shortened]... 41. Be3d2 Bg3f2 42. Bd2c1 a6 43. Bc1d2 Bf2d4 44. Bd2c1 1/2-1/2[/pgn]
Morning mister macpo

No real fireworks here, you built a more active position and then exchanged it away.

19.. Bxf3 looked like a pawn grab to me
20. Qxf3 Qxf3? i would value a pawn a lot more than doubled pawns.

Even the pawn grab with Qxe5 doesn't look won but if anyone here has the chances it is black.

A fairly dull game, but you almost looked to be playing for the draw to be honest towards the end!

I like 21.. Nd3 forking the pawns and ridding white of the bishop pair for the endgame.

You go into the endgame identical material and opponent has doubled f-pawns but i do not see this winning with good play from both sides, i just see no way through at the end.


01 Oct 08
08 May 09
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Thanks! that's true, I missed the Qxe5 ! I only missed it, it wasn't on purpose...


30 Mar 09
08 May 09
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Originally posted by Macpo
Hi everyone!

I just drawed a game, and would like to have your comments on it. Especially in the end, can you see any way to improve black position and avoid draw? cause I had a very small advantage but could not find any way to improve...

many thanks!!

[pgn][Event "Clan challenge"] [Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"] [Date "2009.01.08"] [EndDate "200 ...[text shortened]... 41. Be3d2 Bg3f2 42. Bd2c1 a6 43. Bc1d2 Bf2d4 44. Bd2c1 1/2-1/2[/pgn]
I have a question,2 actually.
-Why 25....,f5?I would've gone f6
-after 25....,f5,I would think 26.Rc7 is a problem for you.Or does that lead to a drawn rookending?

CCC Club Leader

Denver, CO

23 Feb 03
10 May 09
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Originally posted by Macpo
I think you make a lot of mistakes in your opening, because you do not follow any kind of principles.

here are two of them you should apply a bit more...

- avoid to move your Knight (or any of your pieces) more than once. Here it is completely awful: your Knight goes f3, e5, d3, c5. what a waste of time!!
- finish to develop your pieces and protect y ...[text shortened]... don't, your opponent's counter attack will be more efficient, because you are more vulnerable!
Some good advice. I should have prepared my defense better before attacking.

(I actually played black. My opponent is the one who moved his knight multiple times.)

Just because I won, doesn't mean I played soundly.


15 Jun 06
10 May 09
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Originally posted by Macpo
Hi everyone!

I just drawed a game, and would like to have your comments on it. Especially in the end, can you see any way to improve black position and avoid draw? cause I had a very small advantage but could not find any way to improve...

many thanks!!

[pgn][Event "Clan challenge"] [Site "http://www.redhotpawn.com"] [Date "2009.01.08"] [EndDate "200 ...[text shortened]... 41. Be3d2 Bg3f2 42. Bd2c1 a6 43. Bc1d2 Bf2d4 44. Bd2c1 1/2-1/2[/pgn]
Well your opponent missed 17.Bxh7+ just a passing thought as I look over the moves.

And 19....Ba6 may have been a little better but its not an immediate winner or anything like that.

Looks like 37...Bc5 38.Bxc5 Kxc5 has possibilities.

I would comment on other moves but its hard to pick on any one move since none of them are really bad so the improvements would be small and built over time. What is weird to me is you avoided exchanges at first and then at the end exchanged everything thing off and then when it would have been a good exchange you didn't do it! ( speaking of 37...Bc5 38.Bxc5 Kxc5)


26 Oct 08
11 May 09
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I've just got beat by Yugi's new opening, which I have found very strange. I failed to see that big pawn pawn center coming and he got my queen, that happen sometimes ago, I have just a player on internet that got caught because he played the same game, he did not resign but got demolished. Anyway, here is my game.

How should I have react to his strange opening, f5, Nf6, c5, Nc6, Then he put his bishops on fianchetto.. by pushing b6 ang g6. He didn't have time to play Bb7 so he played Ba6 and I did not react properly, I was just so confused I was not here looking at which I was playing, when I wake up, it was a night mare. On move 13, he build an imposing center. and it overwield me. I trapped, that is why I resign agaisn't Yugi.

Any suggestion.

I just found it strange.

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