Originally posted by ih8sensAs an fyi if you like the general idea, but want to play something a little bit more sound, try the Two Knights Tango against 1. d4
You know what I just realized?.. this is gonna show up on the RHP games explorer one day for all to see and say "I wonder how hammered ih8sens was..."
"then how do they learn from it?"
Spotting someone moves to equalize unequal players could demonstrate that time is valuable in chess. Beginners know material is important but may not understand time has value as well. IMHO, after ih8sens spots kmac27 8 or 9 tempi, kmac27s job is to demonstrate that giving away that much time (or development) is fatal. Leave it to youth to challenge the old ways of thinking- that's *their* job!
I had a similar defence, although not so pointless. I called it the canadian defence and played it in acouple blitz games. 1.e4 d5 2.d4 e5 and then, accordingly, you can fianchetto the bishops or bring the knights to e7 and d7, and play c5... or f5 if you are brave... depending on what white does.
It actually didn't lose as fast as you'd think, often I gave the opponent a space advantage but managed to defend his attacks... it was quite difficult to mount any type of attack myself.
Originally posted by ChessJesterI guess it's been semirefuted.. e6 doesn't pose enough of a defence with two knights.. still working on it.
I had a similar defence, although not so pointless. I called it the canadian defence and played it in acouple blitz games. 1.e4 d5 2.d4 e5 and then, accordingly, you can fianchetto the bishops or bring the knights to e7 and d7, and play c5... or f5 if you are brave... depending on what white does.
It actually didn't lose as fast as you'd think, often ...[text shortened]... ut managed to defend his attacks... it was quite difficult to mount any type of attack myself.