Originally posted by dnpanteSorry, are we talking about the same line here?! I was looking at...
when black answers with e6 Bg5, then queenside castles. white is ahead of development;
1.e4 c6
2.d4 d5
3.Nc3 dxe4
4.Nxe4 Bf5
5.Qf3 e6
But if White now plays Bg5 in this position, it loses to Bxe4.
Originally posted by Varenkawhat if instead of Bg5, white moves c3 with the idea of g4..if Bxe4..Qxe4...the idea is to storm the black kingside...
Sorry, are we talking about the same line here?! I was looking at...
1.e4 c6
2.d4 d5
3.Nc3 dxe4
4.Nxe4 Bf5
5.Qf3 e6
But if White now plays Bg5 in this position, it loses to Bxe4.
Originally posted by Varenka6. c3 Nd7 7. g4 then followed by h4...early storming the kingside... i think white has the initiative here...for white the fight will center around the kingside while black will try to open up the center for counter attack..
After, 6.c3 I think Nd7 is fine for Black. I don't think White will gain anything by an early g4 here.
IMHO, the Caro Kann is a tough nut to crack and very solid but can be passive at times as compared to say the French Defence - the big difference between these two defences is the darn bishop on the c8 square.
I'm a French Defence player and this bishop is a really bad bishop and gets hemmed in behind the e6 pawn, however, with the Caro Kann one of the mainlines involves the bishop to be played to the Bf5 square in particular in the Advanced variation but the down side the c6 blocks the natural square for the knight on b8 to be developed to c6.
Originally posted by Oddjob291is it good to exchange the white colored bishop of black at bf5 to whites bishop when whit plays Bd3 early? or is it better to place the bishop at g6 and capture it with h6 when white exchanges the two bishop?
IMHO, the Caro Kann is a tough nut to crack and very solid but can be passive at times as compared to say the French Defence - the big difference between these two defences is the darn bishop on the c8 square.
I'm a French Defence player and this bishop is a really bad bishop and gets hemmed in behind the e6 pawn, however, with the Caro Kann one of the ...[text shortened]... n but the down side the c6 blocks the natural square for the knight on b8 to be developed to c6.
A Black Defensive System For The Rest Of Your Chess Career By Andrew Soltis, proposes using the Caro Kann and Semi Slave defences as one all embracing defensive system for black, involving the same tow pawns on the same two squares regardless of white's opening, i.e c6 and d5. It might be worth you checking it out.
dnpante wrote: 'is it good to exchange the white colored bishop of black at bf5 to whites bishop when white plays Bd3 early? or is it better to place the bishop at g6 and capture it with h6 when white exchanges the two bishop?'
Yes, it is considered 'good' for Black to exchange the light squares bishop/s as soon as White plays Bd3.
If black retreats to g6, he may end up losing a tempo, and it's not clear if it's worth opening the 'h' rank/file, because White still hasn't castled.
Originally posted by amir1
If black retreats to g6, he may end up losing a tempo, and it's not clear if it's worth opening the 'h' rank/file, because White still hasn't castled.
In some cases, Bg6 can be a significant mistake.
1.e4 c6
2.d4 d5
3.e5 Bf5
4.Bd3 Bg6?
And Black is in trouble
Originally posted by dnpanteIn closed system, if White plays early Bd3 (1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Bf5 4. Bd3)
is it good to exchange the white colored bishop of black at bf5 to whites bishop when whit plays Bd3 early?
Black exchanges bishops and can play so-called Nimzovitch maneouvre.
4. ... B:d3 5. Q:d3 e6
If now Nf3, then Black checks with queen to a5 and then moves the queen to a6.
Then White either has to exchange Queens - and the game is at least level for Black, or has to waste few tempi to defend light-squared diagonal (weakened by early bishop exchange) in order to make a kingside castle!