Originally posted by sannevssrActually Bronstein-Mikenas game is not the best way how white can play - in that game black did play really bad and if black knew how to play they could get maybe slightly worse but playable position.
There is a lecture on playchess on this opening soon.
Also calling the Latvian gambit the worst opening in chess is at least inadequate (I`m using the most polite word which I can adress to Monokroussos). Perhaps that IM haven`t heard about Borg or 1.e4 f6 (or f5).
I think he means worst as in one of the most irritating if you have never come accross it and somebody chucks it at you over the board.
Especially since it is a sneaky one that can creep up on you from a relatively normal looking opening. Imagine if you had been coaching somebody in white openings and they played a tournament and got wiped out by the latvian because they had never seen it before and then decided to quit the game - then it would have alot to answer for!