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what are gambits?

what are gambits?

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Originally posted by zakkwylder
im not doing dxc6, ikm playing as white, bishop takes c6. black returns by taking the bishop with a pawn. theerfore, my knight on f3 takes the black pawn on e5. again i say, i am 1 pawn up and my opponent has a doubled file. take a look at the webpage i posetd and youll see.
I know what you're saying,and I know you're white,and again I say that you are not a pawn up.Black gets it back at move 6.And black's doubled pawns on the c-file do not give white the better game.

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Originally posted by zakkwylder
im not doing dxc6, ikm playing as white, bishop takes c6. black returns by taking the bishop with a pawn. theerfore, my knight on f3 takes the black pawn on e5. again i say, i am 1 pawn up and my opponent has a doubled file. take a look at the webpage i posetd and youll see.
Zakk, we can explain it TO you, but we can't understand it FOR you. If your opponent has been playing chess for more than a few weeks, he'll know how to get the pawn back, and you'll no longer have any of the advantage that you get from moving first. If dx6 Nxe5, then Qd4 wins the pawn back. If bxc6 Nxe5, then Qe7 wins the pawn back. If you remanin a pawn up after you take his e5 pawn, it's because your opponent doesn't know what he's doing.

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then you all must be misunderstanding me or something. its worked for me many a time and ive never lost a pawn doing it, ive always been one up everytime.

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Originally posted by zakkwylder
then you all must be misunderstanding me or something. its worked for me many a time and ive never lost a pawn doing it, ive always been one up everytime.
Well, then I guess all of your opponenets were patzers. (not that I'm not) I'm sending you a set-piece challenge. I'll be black, and I'll recapture your bishop however you want. Then I'll show you why you can't hold onto the pawn.

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ALl right, I can't send you any challenges because you're at your limit. But if you'd like, go ahead and send me a challeneg.

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Originally posted by zakkwylder
then you all must be misunderstanding me or something. its worked for me many a time and ive never lost a pawn doing it, ive always been one up everytime.
There's no misunderstanding.I assume you have a chessboard?Look at the position after 4.Bxc6,dxc6 5.Nxe4,Qd4.Now,how are you going to keep that pawn?

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Originally posted by SirLoseALot
There's no misunderstanding.I assume you have a chessboard?Look at the position after 4.Bxc6,dxc6 5.Nxe4,Qd4.Now,how are you going to keep that pawn?
i understand your point, but maybe i did my notation wrong, but i know this works. ive done it countless times. ask some opponents. lets play for heavens to betsy. god love a duck. i know this works. has like a charm for me

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Originally posted by zakkwylder
i understand your point, but maybe i did my notation wrong, but i know this works. ive done it countless times. ask some opponents. lets play for heavens to betsy. god love a duck. i know this works. has like a charm for me
You're not a subscriber, and you're already at your 6 games limit, so I can't play you right now. But I looked at your game on Gameknot.com and there is no misunderstanding. We're all talking about the exact same move sequence, except you think Nxe5 wins a pawn, and we're telling you that it doesn't.

Look,3...a6 is by far Black's most popular third move in the Ruy Lopez. Do you think so many people would still be playing it if White could just win a pawn that easily?

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Originally posted by Natural Science
You're not a subscriber, and you're already at your 6 games limit, so I can't play you right now. But I looked at your game on Gameknot.com and there is no misunderstanding. We're all talking about the exact same move sequence, except you think Nxe5 wins a pawn, and we're telling you that it doesn't.

Look,3...a6 is by far Black's most pop ...[text shortened]... o you think so many people would still be playing it if White could just win a pawn that easily?
as ive said in my previous post concerning the game on gameknot, my opponent hasnt moved yet. if he takes the bishop, well have exchanged = pieces, then i can take i\his pawn with my knight on f3

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Originally posted by zakkwylder
as ive said in my previous post concerning the game on gameknot, my opponent hasnt moved yet. if he takes the bishop, well have exchanged = pieces, then i can take i\his pawn with my knight on f3
I saw the position,we understand what you are talking about.And we're not saying that you can't win from that position,it may very well be that you've won many games with it.We're just saying that you will not be a pawn up,as you claim.Neither side is losing,it's totally equal.
In any case,it's no gambit.

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Originally posted by zakkwylder
as ive said in my previous post concerning the game on gameknot, my opponent hasnt moved yet. if he takes the bishop, well have exchanged = pieces, then i can take i\his pawn with my knight on f3
I don't know what else there is to say. We all can see that he hasn't taken your bishop yet. But he will, unless he wants to be down a piece. He'll most likely take it with the d-pawn. If you then take the pawn on e5, he should play Qd4, which attacks both your knight and your pawn. You have to save your knight, and after you do he takes your pawn. You've gained nothing. Trust me, no one would be playing this way as Black if it meant they would lose a pawn on the 5th move.

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be it a gambit or be it not, im still up a pawn. next time i have a free space maybe we show huh?

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Originally posted by zakkwylder
be it a gambit or be it not, im still up a pawn. next time i have a free space maybe we show huh?
Your oppo on gameknot will show you soon enough (I hope)

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Originally posted by zakkwylder
be it a gambit or be it not, im still up a pawn. next time i have a free space maybe we show huh?
All right, go into one of your active games, hit "analyze board", and then reset it to the starting position. Now, play out this move sequence: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Bxc6 dxc6 5.Nxe5 Qd4. Please explain to us how you would save both your knight and your pawn. If you can do it, you'll have totally turned opening theory as we know it on its ear.

Please don't reply to this until you've examined the move sequence above and understood it.

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Originally posted by Natural Science
All right, go into one of your active games, hit "analyze board", and then reset it to the starting position. Now, play out this move sequence: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Bxc6 dxc6 5.Nxe5 Qd4. Please explain to us how you wou ...[text shortened]... ntil you've examined the move sequence above and understood it.
oh ick, please tell me that's not mainline ruy. I refuse to play in the ruy, that's why I've taken up the alkie as black to e4 (and the latvian occasionally... and the petroff, and the scandinavian... and pretty much anything other than the ruy and the sicilian and the caro... maybe soon the nimzo-indian too)

But that looks horrible, totally counter to every opening principle. White's given up the bishop pair for no reason, and black's captured away from the center and neither has really developed anything and then what's the continuation, queen trade? 6. Nf3 Qxe4+ 7. Qe2
Qxe2+ 8. Kxe2 Between black's complete lack of development, complete lack of pawn center, and doubled c pawns to ensure a lost endgame, and white's near-complete lack of development, exposed king position, and lost right to castle, to ensure a lost middlegame... ever had a game where both players resigned??

I'm so glad I don't play the ruy. 😉

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