Does anyone have a chess machine called "The Ghost"? I remember watching a demo of it in the store and the blessed thing even moves it's own pieces! The bottoms of the pieces are magnetic and there are a series of metal arms underneath the board that drag the pieces to where they need to be.
Originally posted by 64 SquaresI remember that!!! That was really cool. I don't know how strong it was. I probably have an ad for it in old of my old chess life's, I'd just have to find my old CL's first. 😳
Does anyone have a chess machine called "The Ghost"? I remember watching a demo of it in the store and the blessed thing even moves it's own pieces! The bottoms of the pieces are magnetic and there are a series of metal arms underneath the board that drag the pieces to where they need to be.
Originally posted by shortgoth1awwww battle chess just rocked, but it also caused me to have a huge chess misunderstanding for years. I was playing against it when I was quite young and asked it for a hint, it suggested taking the pawn en passent. Back then I had no idea about pawns being able to take beind other pawns so for years I always though any pawn on the 4th rank could fly sideways as much as it wanted, this of course caused many arguements with other kids who played chess but I did manage to convince most of them that I was right. 🙄
Like many others, my first comp. chess game was the mighty Battlechess.
Originally posted by 64 SquaresI remember it, don't think it was too strong (like 1600 or less) but I saw one on TV recently, someone with mental powers was playing chess, moving the pieces with his mind, somehow they had dug up "the ghost" for the special effect.
Does anyone have a chess machine called "The Ghost"? I remember watching a demo of it in the store and the blessed thing even moves it's own pieces! The bottoms of the pieces are magnetic and there are a series of metal arms underneath the board that drag the pieces to where they need to be.
In a vain attempt to breathe new life into it, I'll admit to mine being Artic Voice Chess for the 48k ZX Spectrum - not a great program but wonderfully funny with its repetoire of
"I expected that"
"Well well well"
and the always popular
"I never expected that - well, well, well"
pumping through the Speccy's mighty buzzer...
Originally posted by 64 SquaresSargon! I, II and III. Very strong.
Mine was Video Chess for the Atari 2600, which was really pathetic. It didn't recognize en passant, and the computer AI was really weak and easily fooled. My first REAL chess program, though, was Sargon III for the Atari home computers. So what was yours? Given the international mix of the playerbase here, this should elicit some interesting responses.