Originally posted by Black QueenIs this a trick puzzle? gxh=Q seems quite obvious because of the Qxg8# threat.
This is not a mate puzzle but question. In my opinion, in this position, there is only about one correct move to play. But what would you play?
BQ, Puzzle Meister
[fen]3rk1nr/p1b1ppPp/1pnq4/2pp1B1b/3B4/2N1PNP1/PPPBQP2/R4RK1 w[/fen]
White to play.
Edit: Three bishops for white seem pretty tricky.
Originally posted by AlethiaActually mate can be escaped after 1. ... Qxg3 2. fxg Bxg3 and the c7 square is protected now but white will get his second queen so this is worthless.
First time in the forum but I would play; Nb5!
Then Black has to move the queen or have it taken. If he moves it then Nxc7#. You still keep the gxh8=Q option.