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Mate in 1

Mate in 1

Posers and Puzzles

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Originally posted by kbaumen
Correct. After Ne8, Rf6 is the only move to prevent Rf6#.
Here is a more economical version of the idea.


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Originally posted by BigDoggProblem
Here is a more economical version of the idea.

Yeah, 1. Nf7 Re6 2. Re5 Rxe5 3. Nd6#

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Cool puzzles. And I actually got the first moves!!! Yay!!
Mate in 1 for White and his move.

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I love making end-game puzzles. That's my second and one of my favourites.

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Here's another puzzle I've found on the web but it should be easy. I solved it in about two seconds. White to move: Mate in 2.

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This is not a mate puzzle but question. In my opinion, in this position, there is only about one correct move to play. But what would you play?
BQ, Puzzle Meister

White to play.

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Originally posted by Black Queen
This is not a mate puzzle but question. In my opinion, in this position, there is only about one correct move to play. But what would you play?
BQ, Puzzle Meister
[fen]3rk1nr/p1b1ppPp/1pnq4/2pp1B1b/3B4/2N1PNP1/PPPBQP2/R4RK1 w[/fen]
White to play.
Is this a trick puzzle? gxh=Q seems quite obvious because of the Qxg8# threat.

Edit: Three bishops for white seem pretty tricky.

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Originally posted by kbaumen
Is this a trick puzzle? gxh=Q seems quite obvious because of the Qxg8# threat.
Ah. Then it would go like this or could:
gxh8=Q e6
Qxg8+ Qf8

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That is good but I think I have a better one- in fact, I am sure of it. It is good to see some people finding different solutions.

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Originally posted by Black Queen
Ah. Then it would go like this or could:
gxh8=Q e6
Qxg8+ Qf8
And then Qxf8 and white has a spare queen.

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First time in the forum but I would play; Nb5!
Then Black has to move the queen or have it taken. If he moves it then Nxc7#. You still keep the gxh8=Q option.

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Originally posted by Alethia
First time in the forum but I would play; Nb5!
Then Black has to move the queen or have it taken. If he moves it then Nxc7#. You still keep the gxh8=Q option.
Actually mate can be escaped after 1. ... Qxg3 2. fxg Bxg3 and the c7 square is protected now but white will get his second queen so this is worthless.

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Yes but still, I think that 2 Queens against 0 should be easy for any competent player.

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Originally posted by Black Queen
Cool puzzles. And I actually got the first moves!!! Yay!!
Mate in 1 for White and his move.
[fen]4k3/P7/2nKNR1b/1b5p/2r5/1p1B4/7P/R1B2rN1 w[/fen]

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Originally posted by Black Queen
Here's another puzzle I've found on the web but it should be easy. I solved it in about two seconds. White to move: Mate in 2.
[fen]1r2q3/1R6/3p1kp1/1ppBp1b1/p3Pp2/2PP4/PP3P2/5K1Q w[/fen]
Qh8+ Qxh8

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