Originally posted by Black QueenRxf2.
Today I was Black in a position similar to this (without the "window dressing"😉 and my opponent played the wrong move and subsequently lost. What should they have played (I see only one good move..)
[fen]r4rk1/p1pq1ppp/bpnpp3/2b5/8/N2P1N2/PBP1BnPP/2RQ1RK1 w[/fen]
Qd2 Ne4+
Qe1 Nxd3+
Originally posted by Black QueenNxd4
Another puzzle. Absolutely easy (and with me, that's saying something in terms of puzzles!). I hope everyone can get this. If Black plays Nxd4, what is White's continuation? This was on a puzzle sheet I recieved. I have quite a collection of puzzles, most of them made by me.
[fen]r1b1kbnr/p3pppp/1qnp4/1p6/3PP3/2NB1N2/P1P2PPP/R1BQK2R b[/fen]
Qxd4 Bxb5+
Kd1 Qxd4
Originally posted by Black QueenHere is problem #2 with 'window dressing' - this position is illegal. White's 3rd Bishop must be a promoted pawn, and Black is only missing one unit, which was captured by wPh (because there are doubled pawns on the g-file). The only White pawn left to promote is the d-pawn, but it can't get around the Black d-pawn, nor can the Black d-pawn get off the file, because neither side has any available captures!
This is not a mate puzzle but question. In my opinion, in this position, there is only about one correct move to play. But what would you play?
BQ, Puzzle Meister
[fen]3rk1nr/p1b1ppPp/1pnq4/2pp1B1b/3B4/2N1PNP1/PPPBQP2/R4RK1 w[/fen]
White to play.