Originally posted by greenpawn34The reason it helps to be inexperienced is that this is not a chess problem, but some bizarre variant problem masquerading as chess.
Here is one that is tricky.
In my experience of showing this puzzle over 30 years.
It usually helps if you are an inexperienced player.
I've shown this to good players IM's and alike.
They struggle.
Weaker players seem to get it within minutes.
I showed it to one GM - he solved in less than 30 seconds.
Though he was surpised how long it too ...[text shortened]... xplanation on why it's so tough for
middle of the road players (myself included) to solve.
"The reason it helps to be inexperienced is that this is not a chess
problem, but some bizarre variant problem masquerading as chess."
Yeah you are right, but it's not joke and the problem is set on a
chess board using standard chess pieces.
Bizarre is the wrong word - A Bizarre problem would be having the
white pieces on one board mating a King on another board
in a different dimension. That would be Bizarre.
Right can someone please put up the solution a diagram
all this FEN nonsense is beyond me. Thank you.
Originally posted by greenpawn34
"The reason it helps to be inexperienced is that this is not a chess
problem, but some bizarre variant problem masquerading as chess."
Yeah you are right, but it's not joke and the problem is set on a
chess board using standard chess pieces.
Bizarre is the wrong word - A Bizarre problem would be having the
white pieces on one board mati ...[text shortened]... someone please put up the solution a diagram
all this FEN nonsense is beyond me. Thank you.
Like this? I only found four solutions, so I might be missing something.
Originally posted by greenpawn34
"The reason it helps to be inexperienced is that this is not a chess
problem, but some bizarre variant problem masquerading as chess."
Yeah you are right, but it's not joke and the problem is set on a
chess board using standard chess pieces.
Bizarre is the wrong word - A Bizarre problem would be having the
white pieces on one board mati ...[text shortened]... someone please put up the solution a diagram
all this FEN nonsense is beyond me. Thank you.
strikingly out of the ordinary: as a: odd, extravagant, or eccentric in style or mode b: involving sensational contrasts or incongruities
Rooks giving check up close on BOTH sides of a King is indeed 'strikingly out of the ordinary". Your objection is overruled. 😉
Originally posted by SwissGambitProof games are bizarre puzzles too, that happen to use chess as their medium? Explain, why that form of puzzle is not a "bizarre variant problem masquerading as chess"!!
strikingly out of the ordinary: as a: odd, extravagant, or eccentric in style or mode b: involving sensational contrasts or incongruities
Rooks giving check up close on BOTH sides of a King is indeed 'strikingly out of the ordinary". Your objection is overruled. 😉
Originally posted by greenpawn34He, thanks. But don't say that all you have is English opening. That's a really good opening.
Or a good player.
Too many clues in the thread now.
Try it out on some other players - you will surprised
who sees it who does not.
Edit 1. Sorry forgot to mention - I love your Latvian Gambit.
I'm English all I have is 1.c4 (Blergh!)
Btw, I'm not very patriotic, so I play Latvian gambit only on rare occasions just to experiment.
"Proof games are bizarre puzzles too, that happen to use chess as
their medium? Explain, why that form of puzzle is not a "bizarre
variant problem masquerading as chess."
Actually you are right.
When I look at the diagram with no White King it's......Bizarre.
I stand corrected.
No White King was the clue the position was going be illegal
Thank you everyone for posting diagrams.
...er How do you it?
On second thoughts. Better not show me I'd plague you with all
the other tricky (and yes bizarre) positions I've pick up over the years.
Originally posted by greenpawn34You have some other puzzles? Cool. I'll take the risk and post something about FEN.
"Proof games are bizarre puzzles too, that happen to use chess as
their medium? Explain, why that form of puzzle is not a "bizarre
variant problem masquerading as chess."
Actually you are right.
When I look at the diagram with no White King it's......Bizarre.
I stand corrected.
No White King was the clue the position was going be il ue you with all
the other tricky (and yes bizarre) positions I've pick up over the years.
Originally posted in FAQ
What is a FEN?
A FEN is a representation of a single position in a game of chess. Here is the FEN of the position after white makes the first move of the game - 1. e4.
rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq e3 0 1
The first part of the FEN gives the position of the pieces on the board. Lower case letters indicate black pieces, upper case letters indicate white pieces and numbers represent the number of empty squares between pieces. The FEN reads from the top-left of the board to the bottom-right of the board.
* The b indicates that it is black's turn to move.
* The KQkq indicates that both sides have queen-side and king-side castling still available.
* e3 indicates that square e3 is open to an en passant capture.
* The 0 shows that no moves have been made since the last pawn move or piece capture.
* If this reaches 50, the game is drawn (except in certain, defined, end-games).
The final 1 shows that this is the first move of the game. This number is incremented directly after each of black's moves.
EDIT: Actually to post a position, the bold part below can be excluded.
rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq e3 0 1
Originally posted by greenpawn34Below the window where you text your message is a blue button "insert board from FEN". Or simply use [fenX]XXX[X/fen] tags (without the Xs, I used them only to show the tags).
I know that - but how does one actually post the FEN
onto the page to make a diagram.
is it (fen) fen stuff (fen) or something like that?
As easy as that.
Gosh I'm a right dummy.
Right I'm off. It's Saturday night and I am meant to taking
the delightful Mrs Greenpawn34 out.
Have something posted tomorrow.
Most likely you will have seen them. Put most of them on the Corner
years ago. See what I dig up.
Oh what is the maximum number of en passant captures
that can take place in a game of chess.
(Then construct a game showing all the en passant captures
the last one giving mate - that's a joke - don't try that last bit)
Right I'm getting nagged by Mrs Greenpawn34. Bye.
Originally posted by greenpawn34"Glue the Black King to e5 and mate him."
White has Two Rooks and one Knight only. No King.
Black has a King on e5.
Place the white pieces on the board so black is mated.
No moves to be played - glue the Black King to e5 and mated him.
Can i just shake hands....we're only friends?