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Mate with two Rooks and a Knight (it can be don...

Mate with two Rooks and a Knight (it can be don...

Posers and Puzzles

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Originally posted by SwissGambit
Too easy.

In Proof Games, the rules of chess are strictly followed.
Hmm... reasoning as solid as a rock.
(tries to find a counter-argument)

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
Oh what is the maximum number of en passant captures
that can take place in a game of chess.
I would say eight. Or is this a trick question?

1. a4 Nf6 2. a5 b5 3. axb6 Ng8 4. b4 Nf6 5. b5 a5 6. bxa6 Ng8 7. c4 Nf6 8. c5 d5 9. cxd6 Ng8 10. d4 Nf6 11. d5 c5 12. dxc6 Ng8 13. e4 Ra7 14. e5 f5 15. exf6 Ra8 16. f4 Ra7 17. f5 e5 18. fxe6 Ra8 19. g4 Ra7 20. g5 h5 21. gxh6 Ra8 22. h3 Ra7 23. h4 Ra8 24. h5 g5 25. hxg6

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