Could he not punch a hole in the ceiling, insert his head, and hang? Might sound a little awkward but theoretically might work. Or, punch a hole in the wall, insert head, and fall down? If this doesn't work, I don't know how he could hang. You know, prisons and hospital wards put people in empty cells so they won't hang themselves. I'm not sure that it's possible to succeed in a completely empty room.
Originally posted by Lord LetoThe correct spelling is intelligent. 🙄🙄🙄
Ha ,ha,ha.
I don't get insulted that easy.
+This riddle is composed by a very inteligente writter and is only ment for inteligent people.Prove to me and all the others that you are a very inteligent person and solve it.
Edit: And the solution that 1000Young and I gave is perfectly valid. A good riddle should eliminate obvious alternate solutions.