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Another American Celebrity Doubts the Moon Landings

Another American Celebrity Doubts the Moon Landings



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Because they think with their balls.


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The post that was quoted here has been removed
No big deal, you just lay out a optical fiber link to the terminator😉

Seriously, it is a great achievement, have to have sats around Luna to communicate with Earth so it's more than just a probe to the surface.
I think they have a large budget and will by vying for the first human to Mars.
Not a trivial task.


The recession of the Moon from the Earth has also been measured precisely by laser reflection from mirrors on the Moon's surface, mounted by astronaut and Moon-walker "Buzz" Aldrin. It matches well the length of day and gives us an independent check of the tidal perturbation.


Unless someone wants to argue that the mirrors got there some other way just point a laser to the moon.


@metal-brain said
The recession of the Moon from the Earth has also been measured precisely by laser reflection from mirrors on the Moon's surface, mounted by astronaut and Moon-walker "Buzz" Aldrin. It matches well the length of day and gives us an independent check of the tidal perturbation.


Unless someone wants to argue that the mirrors got there some other way just point a laser to the moon.
I usually hear no response to the retro reflectors left by Buzz,

but here is a way you can measure the distance to the moon by yourself, with a bit of math, obviously not going to be accurate within an inch like the laser measurement is but here it is:


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@sonhouse said
I usually hear no response to the retro reflectors left by Buzz,

but here is a way you can measure the distance to the moon by yourself, with a bit of math, obviously not going to be accurate within an inch like the laser measurement is but here it is:

What do you mean "no response"?


@metal-brain said
What do you mean "no response"?
I have actually heard one dude say it was done by robots. Just how that could have been done in 1970 or so is beyond me. I WORKED at NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center and saw and worked on state of the art computers of the day. They didn't even have monitors much less graphics or a mouse or anything like that.
The Apollo computer was a simple thing with MAYBE the power of a commodore 64 and based on 'Nouns' and 'Verbs' a simple button push language where say 15 enter meant start the radar or some such. Nouns were things and verbs were actions. That was it.
Mostly the moon landing conspirators ignore the retro reflector.

You can find video's showing exactly how they work, the lasers pointing at the moon have a path about a mile wide or so when it arrives at the moon and you have to VERY carefully aim the laser so the beam will hit the reflectors, they actually did a show where first they found the retro's and saw the return of a dozen or so photon's but move the beam by just a mile or so on the moon and ZERO photons come back.
I guess the nutters just say 'fake' to that as well.


The anomalies in the footage show that the missions were faked. Check out some the research people have done.

Apollo 15 flag, facing air resistance; proving the fraud of alleged manned moon landings.

(2:35 time mark)


Go down about half way on this page to where it says, "The Hills Are Alive".


Lunar rover on the moon. Was it a RC model? (Extended Edition)


@drifty said
The anomalies in the footage show that the missions were faked. Check out some the research people have done.

Apollo 15 flag, facing air resistance; proving the fraud of alleged manned moon landings.
(2:35 time mark)


Go down about half way on this page to wher ...[text shortened]... over on the moon. Was it a RC model? (Extended Edition)
These claims were debunked donkey's years ago.



@deepthought said
These claims were debunked donkey's years ago.

That's just sophistry. Sites such as that don't deal with the clearest proof. Notice that they didn't deal with the flag anomaly. Tell us what you think of the flag anomaly.

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You mean the flag flapping when they put it up? Don't you think they would have been smart enough to not allow that to be seen if it was done in Nevada or some such? You don't give the fakers much credit.
If that is what you are bitching about it happened because the whole deal was made of plastic and when they planted it the whole affair shook for awhile till the vibrations died down and then no more such movement unless the flag was touched.

BTW, I was an Apollo tech, I worked at Goddard Space Flight Center, trained on Apollo Tracking and Timing.

I SAW the stuff there, and in one exercise, I was charged with finding a Mars sat and lock onto it with radio receivers using the student dish on top of the building, a 12 foot dish, a toy compared to the real thing but I was able to find Mars and the probe and locked on to it even though that probe put out only 5 watts, the power of a CB radio but 100 million miles away ATT .
I thought that was cool.
I also saw a LOT of the science involved, including getting a tour of the moon rock vault, I got to hold a moon rock brought back, held it in my hand. I asked them why they let me hold it in my hands since just holding it would contaminate it and they said just opening the rocks from the sealed container contaminated the surface but not beneath the surface so they used a diamond saw to cut into the rocks to reveal fresh uncontaminated rock face which could be chemically analysed and examined under optical and electron microscopes.
I imagine you are a millennial and were not even ALIVE back in 1970 or so and as such have to rely on other fake BS sites. Like the guy said, all those BS stories were refuted decades ago.

Also, did you know the entire landing hoax was started by an AMERICAN who wanted to boost his book sales?
You probably don't know THAT either.

Doesn't it strike you as strange neither the Soviets, Chinese, Brits, or anyone else doing space science EVER said the landings were a hoax.
For one thing, the Soviets had powerful radars that tracked the Apollo all the way to the moon so they knew for a FACT Apollo's went to the moon and with people onboard.
How do you think that iconic photo of Earthrise over the moon came from? Do you seriously thing robotics were so advanced ATT to be able to do that from some kind of remote control or some such? There sure was no AI in 1970 or 1980 for that matter. The computers of the day, the BEST of them (which I actually worked on, mainframes of the day) didn't even have a monitor or a mouse and got their inputs from either some poor sod pushing and pulling switches to make bytes or punched cards to do a few thousand cycles.
One the one hand, hoaxers somehow think the whole thing was done by robots that didn't exist, somehow expanding the computer power of the day that would supposedly allow such things or totally debunking the entire project as our technology was way too backwards to ever have pulled off such a mind blowing feat.

So it looks like to me you joined just a couple of days ago specifically to dis the Apollo program, since you have not started a single game so it is apparent you have no interest in chess and probably don't even PLAY chess, just coming in here to troll people.

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He started two games, yes. But you have to know it rankles me, an Apollo tech, to still see such nonsense 50 years later. My bet is he is a conspiracy theorist follower and if it wasn't the moon landing hoax it would be something else just as bizarre.
And BTW I was talking to HIM not you. YOU are the one butting in like you say I do in other threads like I don't have the right to do so since only YOUR threads are worthy of posting.

I don't use pejoratives like you and that is my critique but of course that is just taken as an insult hurled at you but you don't seem to understand the word critique.

"First of all, I don't defend Drifty's comments on the moon landings.
But Sonhouse's statement (which I quoted) shows his typical lack of logic."

First of all, I don't recall asking for your opinion of this thread, second of all, I could care less WHAT you say anymore.

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Yet another pejorative laden tirade. They slide off my back like a duck rejects water.
You mean nothing to me and will be in the future.
I dislike anyone dissing the moon landings and it seemed like he joined two days ago just for that purpose.
Your main interest is proving just how superior you are intellectually. When you can drop the pejorative laden tirades the rest of the crowd here might even talk to you like you were a real person.
A person continually using pejorative laden tirades will have no credibility anywhere.
How well would you do spewing all those pejoratives if you were running for some elected office in your country? How long would you retain voter interest? If you can't see that you are not as intelligent as you hype yourself up to be.
People here would take you a lot more seriously if you stopped the tirades and just discussed policy or history or science on an equal basis, if someone is a racist, say he is a racist and give examples but you just start with the lying racist troll who insults me etc. ect., ad nauseam does not fit well with the persona you wish to be seen as. I NEVER called you stupid, for instance.
You seem to think you can judge people without knowing them. What do they call that? Wait, I think I can remember, if I take my pills for my age addled brain.
PREJUDICED. Yes, after consulting several dictionaries and my alzheimer council, I found this word after a lot of research, I should be proud of myself, considering how stupid I really am.

BTW, I see you still don't post much in science, you might take a look at how many threads I start since I have a lifelong curiosity about all things science and music and I see nothing of you posting in general in 'what are you listening to' which I have asked you to do several times since you say you are a musician but apparently have not enough interest in those arts to show us what you like.
I just see that as you not wanting to show ANYTHING of your life. Me, I am more or less an open book, I publish dozens of compositions on Soundcloud which you assume are way too insultingly bland to be worth of even a listen, another indication of your view of your own importance that you think anyone, especially me, could not possibly have anything worthy to give in the way of any art.
So put your money where your mouth is, post stuff you like in the music thread.

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