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Another American Celebrity Doubts the Moon Landings

Another American Celebrity Doubts the Moon Landings


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We know the Soviets lost the moon race because they tried to use a large cluster of small rockets that proved to be unstable, difficult to control and the tended to blow up at inconvenient times like during launch,
The Americans with help from Von Braun designed a smaller cluster of larger rockets that were much easier to control and keep the whole craft aimed on track.


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The tragic deaths of our President in November, 1963 and 3 astronauts in January of 1967 had no such effect upon America's Apollo Program.

The Soviet Space Program had engineers most proportionately from ... Russia.



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Duly noted in my own post giving kudos to Von Braun. Still by 1966 Korolev should have realized a large cluster of small thrusters should have been already shown to be difficult to control.
My guess is they didn't want to do the hard engineering needed to make large rocket motors, not a trivial task. Or just didn't have the money to tackle a huge project like that. They already had the small motors from the ICBM work.
So it sounds to me like they used what they had and bet on being able to co-ordinate all the motors, steering them in the right direction for stability to keep the overall rocket vertical during liftoff. But it didn't work out that way.
One of the things I heard, the original Apollo 8 crew, now in their 80's, all three alive, NASA just gave a talk with all three and Lovell mentioned the fact that even with the smaller cluster of large thrusters, they were controlled in such a way as to keep the whole craft vertical but Lovell noted during launch one thing the simulators did NOT prepare them for was the side to side movement of the upper end of the rocket during takeoff. He noted the large moment of the movement of the top of the rocket compared to the small adjustments of the rocket gimbals, he said, say one inch of adjustment of the motors meant more like a FOOT of movement of the top of the assembly and the motion was rather violent to the extent he had problems seeing the instrumentation so the control situation was critical and could have destroyed the Apollo too but they managed to get through the side to side shaking till they lost the main boosters.
I imagine now with 50 years of control development optimization, the new rockets will control a hundred times faster with less side by side motion at the top.
At least that is my take on it, having grown up with the development of control electronics and the vast increase in control efficiency in the last 50 years, actuators more powerful and faster, electronics a million times faster than Apollo, so the latest rockets will be a LOT smoother on takeoff, my guess.


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Nova had an interesting program about the Apollo missions. The view of the earth from the moon showed about half of the earth dark. That means the manned mission to the moon was when the moon was roughly half way between the tail of the earths magnetic field and the blunt front side closest to the sun.

Does anybody know how much protection (if any) the people had on the moon by the earth's magnetic field at that time? How long can astronauts be outside the magnetic field before solar radiation harms their health?

It seems to me there was a risk of an unexpected solar storm that could have ruined the mission. Wouldn't it be lower risk to send people to the moon when it is in the tail of earth's magnetic field?

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Soviet science and engineering was less incompetent than jingoistic Americans believe.

There is enough blame to go around. And some good will to congradulate also.
I have no rose colored glasses about what governments fighting for world supremacy are capable of doing anywhere.

And someone persuaded me (until I hear otherwise) that Yuri was not the first Russian in space, but the first successful man brought down alive or without serious injury.

Did you hear about a Russian cosmonaut before Yuri Gagarin who landed in China badly injured?

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Why would you even put up such nonsense as arguments for the moon landing conspiracy?

Calm down. We're not talking about a ... religion. Right?

Sounds in the Vacuum of Space:

How come no sounds were heard with the astronauts working on the Space Station. Power tools - perfectly silent.
But on the Apollo landing some clanks, knocks, and bangs were heard under same situation ?

And then questionable things seem to have a way of being revised and removed from websites.

Do you have a specific answer about the noises heard with tool usage in the Apollo moon walks ?

Apollo Moon Hoax - Sound in a Vacuum?!



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No. If that had happened, why does Sonship fantasize that China would have covered it up?
By around 1960 (if not earlier), China and the USSR had become bitter rivals.

Okay, we'll trade you one.

On live TV five or six times the United States broadcasts astronauts in mortal danger of their lives, to the horror of millions of tax payers and moralists. And they land and walk around with nearly no glitch multiple times as if we were watching an episode of Lost In Space.

Hard to believe China would keep quiet about an injured Russian landing on their territory? Point appreciated.

Its no easier for me to believe that two hundred plus thousand miles away, live TV of mortally dangerous missions come off without a glitch to American audiences and friends.

More plausible to me: Some powers to be say "Just in case those men fry or freeze or burn or overshoot or gag for lack of air or get lost between here and 2 hundred K miles in outer space, we better stage some successful footage and publicly put our best foot forward."

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@sonship said

No. If that had happened, why does Sonship fantasize that China would have covered it up?
By around 1960 (if not earlier), China and the USSR had become bitter rivals.

Okay, we'll trade you one.

On live TV five or six times the United States broadcasts astronauts in mortal danger of their lives, to the horror of millions of tax payers a ...[text shortened]... les in outer space, we better stage some successful footage and publicly put our best foot forward."
Tell me, how was that iconic photo from Apollo 8 faked? Have you seen the state of the art of computers in 1968? I WAS THERE. There were no monitors for one thing, you couldn't even visualize what you wanted to do, no mouse, and the first computer to run Apollo was a Verb and Noun based program with a keyboard.
Even the best of the best had no monitor capability. There was ZERO way for anyone to have come up with such a detailed image. No artist on Earth would have known what the cloud cover looked like from that distance.
That photo was real and you need to get over it, grow up and admit the US had advanced technology in the 60's. MUCH more advanced than the Soviets.
Are you like others on this site doubting ANY satellites were ever launched including ISS?
That dude based his whole argument on the idea Earth is flat and there is a bubble around Earth that prevents rockets from even being launched and the sun is 50 miles in diameter and 4000 miles from Earth.

Are you part of THAT cabal?

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