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Another American Celebrity Doubts the Moon Landings

Another American Celebrity Doubts the Moon Landings



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This post is to all the other ones hated by Dutchess64, she let it slip once she lives in Iran.
Here is something interesting to consider: several things actually.
One is the fact starting around 2012, Iran blocked a full quarter of all internet traffic.
A mere year later that doubled to a full HALF of all international sites blocked.
I am sure by now, 6 years later, that number is probably more like 80% blocked.
Here is what it looks like, then:
I have no doubt D64 is highly intelligent. I have also no doubt she had a traumatic childhood due to her advanced mind, perhaps physical and sexual abuse as well.
That would explain in large part the anti male invective going on here but there would be more to it than that.
The Iranian government does not allow its own citizens to have much of ANY social media outlets, like Facebook being totally blocked (except for those high in political power able to have anti whoever facebook sites).

So she can't have instagram, FB, twitter, spotify, soundcloud (my beloved soundcloud) or any access to the modern world, that is to say, any information of her own specialties, math and history, anything done in the past 5 or 10 years will be unavailable to her and the fact she spends so much time here castigating white American males to the near exclusion of all else says she is ALLOWED to have this one link to the outside world. Further, I have asked her to post music she loves on the "what are you listening to' thread in general to no avail. Now I realize if she ever goes there, whatever links are provided and there are many international links provided there by me and many other folks here, since so much internet is throttled down in Iran, she can't even VIEW those links, getting one of those grayed out boxes saying this site not allowed.
So she has to be extremely frustrated at the lack of access to the modern world of intellectual thinking going on around here unawares, not that she would love to access that but because she CAN'T. That makes her isolated from the new world of science, math, art, history and all the other disciplines I am sure she loves.
So we have to pity her isolation and view it for what it is.
She is ALLOWED to post invective here on Redhotpawn for the simple reason she has ZERO other outlets.
For instance, she for sure cannot have a gmail account or any other western email account since she can only have an intRAnet account inside Iran.
So her tirades here are most likely due to her frustration on one hand and being denied access to the real modern world and her uppers in Iran who would view an atheist as worthy of being stoned or perhaps put in prison. Perhaps she is also lesbian, which in my book is not even approaching a crime but you can bet to be a lesbian atheist in Iran, she would have a rather limited lifespan if not just jailed.
So being able to have this thin line to the world, being her only outlet, she is ALLOWED this access BECAUSE of her professed hatred of all things American.
There is a pattern discernible in her writings here, using low level of English except where she posts historical documents allowed her by her Iranian government, the fact she adds adjective after adjective to the pejorative laden tirades, like me, a 'jingoistic reprehensible pathologically lying'' and so forth says how for instance, she will not be ALLOWED to respond to my charge of the millions of Muslims held in prison camps in China, instead just doubling down on the pejoratives.

So view her in that light, a frustrated old lady unable to access the latest thought in the world where in HER world that is the ultimate deprivation.

My stance has to somewhat modified by the NY Times bit she posted about Pakistan V India dogfight. Maybe the Iranians allow anything seen as dissing the US?

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I wasn't talking about rich Iranians able to go back and forth to western countries. I have friends in Bethlehem (the REAL one, not the one in Pennsylvania) who are Iranian Christians, invited not so subtly they could leave with the clothes on their backs so they ended up in Bethlehem.
They did very well starting from scratch in their new home.
Sure, you can say spot the post where you said that is where you live, in all the hundreds of posts you have done here.
I did see it though. Tell me, how many youtube videos from the 'what are you listening to' in general have you been able to open? Well of course there is the possibility you have zero interest in ANYONE's music but that is another story.

Tell me again how free Iranians IN IRAN are on the internet, how many sites they can visit? Or is that just another fake news from America?

You have been so paranoid in your effort to never reveal ANYTHING of yourself nobody knows for sure where you live and you like it just like that.
If we were for some ungodly reason were to meet face to face, would you use the same invective on me as you do here?

From an atheistic standpoint you would be much better off living in China which would explain your reluctance to venture into any criticism of the Chinese Government and I am reluctant to believe you say ANYTHING critical about the Chinese government.
I think you have limited Internet due to blockage by your country which I think is Iran. If there was a search engine, I could maybe input Iran into your posts but I don't think we have that capability.
From your latest words, I get the feeling you are very amused at my speculations. I don't see you spending much time elsewhere and I don't think you have or are allowed to have for instance, a facebook account.

And it can be taken for granted you would never reveal it if you indeed have one, and if you have one it is unlikely you live in Iran but my guess is you don't.

Was I supposed to have said something negative about female chess players in hijabs, something about those women not being strong at chess BECAUSE they wear them? I never said that and you are invited to find THAT in my posts.

What you DON'T say tells a lot about what you are about.

BTW, I agree with you about IRAN being on more of the rights side compared to SA, a really brutal country, just reluctantly I'm sure, the partial freedom of women to drive there. If I wouldn't become a political pawn, I would love to visit Iran, there is much there to see and learn.

That aside, do you deny the present regime in Iran saying the US is basically the work of the devil, to paraphrase? I seem to recall some few hundred Americans held captive there til Reagan got in office and very soon after they were released.
Obviously an act of loving friendship.

And don't even START saying I am now on the side of the US in the original installation of Pahlavi, the old 'Shah' of Iran before he was ousted and now we know the CIA had a big hand in all that so we get what we deserve in Iran. I fear it is not lesson learned.

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Once again ignoring the fact I know the difference between criticizing a government and at the same time liking the people of that country, whether is is China, Iran or Russia.
I think you put words in my mouth, convinced you have somehow won an argument.



Why do you keep responding to a deranged jingoistic American white man reprehensible pathological liar? Did I miss any pejoratives here?


Oh yeah, I did miss a few. It seems unlikely you live in Iran since you posts many links from the guardian and Wiki and one from the washington post and one I saw from the CBC and one from Slate.com. I doubt you could access those sites from within Iran unless you have a backdoor which I see online.
But you spend an inordinate amount of time typing here. I just went to your posts for the last few weeks, was only able to stomach the first 26 pages of posts, which only got me back to about the 20th of Feb 2019.
It seems you must spend ten hours a day just typing here so there must not be much time for you to do much of anything else like teach.

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You asked where I saw the post about you living in Iran, I looked at your posts for the past few weeks and found nothing of the sort but you post so much, I was on page 26 which was only around Feb 24th or so. That is a lot of writing for one obscure chess site. It seems unlikely you live in Iran because of the 7 sites I saw you link to, something that would not happen in Iran since most of those sites would be banned there.
Have fun with your life. I don't intend to look further, you have too many posts.
This could not be considered stalking for looking at a few weeks of your posts since you challenged me to find the post where I thought you said you lived in Iran. You are certainly free to peruse any of MY posts if you wish, something somehow I think that would never happen but be my guest.


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I already said twice I don't think you live in Iran. How many more times will you drag this through the mud? Seems you are the one obsessed with writing here.
It is interesting, I DID gargle duchess64 and Iran and got 'did you mean Dutchess64' so that didn't work, did duchess64 and did find there is an address in Singapore, 64 Duchess avenue. That must be where you live. I'm booking my flight😉


"I have no doubt D64 is highly intelligent."

Whoa! You're giving her WAY too much credit there cowboy.

True intelligence is assessed broadly. One with intelligence understands human nature; understands how to interact with fellow human beings empathetically. One with intelligence understands when humility and restraint are appropriate and worthy of application.

Being book smart and yet mean-spirited and socially awkward are hallmarks of a different spectrum of disorders.

Why you continue rolling belly-up and hoping for return ego-stroking is beyond comprehension. She's incapable.

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