@sonhouse saidI never said the moon landing was fake. I said the moon landing video footage was fake, which it is. How many times do I have to prove that?
The idea there was no computer generated images of ANYTHING in 1969 has been totally lost on you if you are saying that is proof the moon landing was faked.
I grew up watching the advancement of computers and I worked at Goddard Space Flight center and part of my job was to devote 2 hours a day playing with a mainframe, such as it was ATT.
No monitor, no vide ...[text shortened]... as NOTHING like that back then so get off your supremely stupid kick if that is where you are going.
From the link below:
"At the 1:29 mark, O’Brien says: “Let’s talk about this because this is fascinating. I remember very clearly; I think anybody who was alive at the time does. I remember my parents waking me up and we went down, and we watched you guys land on the moon.
Aldrin responds: “No, you didn’t. Because there wasn’t any television, there wasn’t anybody taking the picture. You watched animation so you associated what you saw with… you heard me talking about"
So you see, the actual film of the eagle landing on the moon was animated or fake. Now that I have proven that much is fake let's move on to how much is fake. Is that the only film that was animated? I don't know. Do you?
-Removed-Stop asking questions I already answered. You are being dishonest again.
Buzz said the film of the landing was animated. Is that the only part that is animated or is more the moon film animated? Doesn't anybody know?
There was no video camera on the moon waiting for the lander to land on the moon so it could be filmed. How would it get there? And just because I proved the landing from the outside of the lander was animated does not prove the moon landing was faked. NASA never tried to hide the fact they animated that portion of the film so there is no conspiracy. This is just common sense you don't seem to be intelligent enough to grasp. You think anybody who says part of the moon landing film was faked is saying the moon landing itself was faked. That is not what Buzz meant when he pointed out a specific potion of it was animated. He maintains the moon landing was not fake, just the film of the landing outside of the lander. That was animated as Buzz said. It was fake, but the film itself has captions saying "animated". Hardly a secret. That part was fake, but it was openly disclosed as fake right in the film! Where is the conspiracy moron?
@metal-brain saidSo an animated film is a fake film?
Stop asking questions I already answered. You are being dishonest again.
Buzz said the film of the landing was animated. Is that the only part that is animated or is more the moon film animated? Doesn't anybody know?
There was no video camera on the moon waiting for the lander to land on the moon so it could be filmed. How would it get there? And just because I proved ...[text shortened]... part was fake, but it was openly disclosed as fake right in the film! Where is the conspiracy moron?
The film is real, fool. It's an animated film. I don't see why you don't get it. Any excuse to shout "fake", I guess.
@metal-brain saidThe footage is real. The film exists.
Animated footage is not real. There was no camera on the moon before they landed. DUH! Of course it was animated.
The dragon in game of thrones was animated. Is the dragon real?
To call it fake is stupid. It's just animated.
Is it a figment of your imagination? No, it exists. The film is real.
How do you think they make animated film? It is a sequence of drawn pictures. The pictures are real and the film is real. Is it some kind of imaginary film? No, it is real.
@kewpie saidMay be he is demented like Biden.
Here's fullfact.org on this story:
A video viewed more than 42,000 times on Instagram claims to show former astronaut Buzz Aldrin as he “admits [the] Moon landing was fake”.
The clip shows Mr Aldrin—the second person to ever set foot on the Moon—being interviewed by a young child and responding to the question: “Why has nobody been to the Moon in such a long time?”
D ...[text shortened]... e faked.
There is also photographic evidence of Mr Aldrin on the Moon, as well as video footage.
Did y’alll read this tripe?
@suzianne saidFrom the link below:
The footage is real. The film exists.
To call it fake is stupid. It's just animated.
Is it a figment of your imagination? No, it exists. The film is real.
How do you think they make animated film? It is a sequence of drawn pictures. The pictures are real and the film is real. Is it some kind of imaginary film? No, it is real.
"At the 1:29 mark, O’Brien says: “Let’s talk about this because this is fascinating. I remember very clearly; I think anybody who was alive at the time does. I remember my parents waking me up and we went down, and we watched you guys land on the moon.
Aldrin responds: “No, you didn’t. Because there wasn’t any television, there wasn’t anybody taking the picture. You watched animation so you associated what you saw with… you heard me talking about"
-Removed-I am well aware of that and pointed that out myself. I never claimed the moon landing was faked, just that there are questions that need answers. Neither did Buzz. He just pointed out that at least one part of the film was animated. So now that we know that much of the film was faked is there any other film that was not real?
And what is up with the film with shadows in different directions? Has anybody ever explained that adequately? What is the other side of the story to that? Is there another side of the story?
Indeed, he is a troll and nothing more which is why I refuse to continue playing his sick games.